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Uploaded on 08-July 11
By lalasoso
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Picboard:   AKB48 

 Jul 08 2011 05:18 AM
The number of naughty scenarios this brings to mind is greater than the number of atoms in the observable universe. XD
 Jul 08 2011 06:52 AM
^ Keep your dirty thoughts away from these pure girls Oikaze! :D
 Jul 08 2011 07:06 AM
^ Since I don't know Japanese, it's not as if I could communicate said thoughts to them anyway. XD
 Jul 08 2011 03:09 PM
I can think of a few non-verbal methods of getting those ideas across.
 Jul 08 2011 03:19 PM
Then again, it's not like you need their consent anyway... ;D
 Jul 08 2011 04:39 PM
@Paul: How could I nonverbally communicate 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5 ?

What? I like math (actually, I hate math). XD
 Jul 09 2011 07:50 AM
I'm in love with this photo! It's gorgeous! They're legs are beautiful, they are beautiful, beautiful expressions, beautiful set up! *_* *envy*~~
 Morning Death
 Jul 09 2011 07:52 AM
Akimoto-sensei please make a AzuDaioh live action with AKB, onegaishimasu.
 Jul 09 2011 11:07 AM
^ With Komorin as Osaka, she's perfect for that role. Harugon could play Tomo and Miorin Chiyo-chan.
 Jul 09 2011 11:50 AM
You, sir, are a genius.
 Morning Death
 Jul 09 2011 11:55 AM
^I'll give you Komorin because her personality fits Osaka's drifting personality.

Kojima would have been my pick for Sakaki-san because of her body but even though she is kinda an airhead she is outgoing once she is back to reality. But wait, Yuki could pull it off if she acts it.

I'd like Yuko as Tomo because she is the craziest girl in the AKB right now. Unless there is a live action of Haruhi I'll pick Yuko for this role.

I've said in here that Miori is Chiyochan so no question there.

I want Saechan for Yomi with a wig and glasses and let the Yuko/Sae fighting unfold.

Edit: And of course, I shall be hentai sensei. XD

ReEdit: @lazyパンダ: hopefully the Godfather will read this and think the same. :D
 Jul 09 2011 02:12 PM
^ I don't agree with Yuko as Tomo. Harugon would be a better fit. And Yuko should just play Yukari-sensei. That would be role of her life. :D

Omg, I'd really like to see it! I can pretty much imagine that legendary scene with Osaka (Komorin), Yukari-sensei (Yuko), and huge kitchen knife. :D
For people who didn't see it:
 Morning Death
 Jul 10 2011 11:16 AM
^I can be fine with Yuko as Yukari since there is a pareallelism between Yukari/Nyamo and Tomo/Yomi wich makes Yukari = Tomo. However, I don't see Harugon able to make the annoyingly angry expressions of Tomo and I don't want her there. This is non-negotiable.
 Jul 10 2011 11:27 AM
^ MD, I respect your opinion, but you don't have another choice. Or do you know about someone else who can play Tomo? :P Also Sae as Yomi? You're out of your mind! She's going to play Kagura.
 Morning Death
 Jul 11 2011 08:01 PM
Sae as Kagura is perfect, much better. Tomo would be kind of hard to translate to reality since she is one of the most cartoonish characters in the series. There is no way I can see Harugon as Tomo.

The focus for Tomo would need to be in one of her characteristics. The one I that strikes me the most important is the need for Tomo to be funny and have the ability to put people down even when she doesn't have weight in what she says to actually put them down. Is a girl who just because she is loud enough and irritating can get away with her comments. For such a reason, I vote for Myao.

I already kissed the Godfather's ring so this one is pretty much secured.
 Jul 11 2011 08:32 PM
^ That's much better, Myao as Tomo would be awesome for sure. Now we just need to find rest of the cast and the hardest part would be over. :D
 Morning Death
 Jul 12 2011 06:02 AM
Sad fact is that as much as we see this pic and can imagine how amazing would be to see all the girls like this in PE attire unleashing the AzuDaioh madness... not going to happen. :(
 Jul 12 2011 07:10 AM
^ I didn't think your enthusiasm would disappear so fast... :(
 Morning Death
 Jul 12 2011 12:31 PM
Sorry man, it may be cuz I am sick right now and feel pretty bad. My enthusiasm must have gone along with my intestins last time I puked in the toilet.
 Jul 12 2011 12:40 PM
Oh, get well man. We'll continue once you're ok. :D