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By sunshine0823
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 May 29 2011 10:22 AM
So Chair-san finally got into Momusu? Why doesn't she have a tag yet?
 Morning Death
 May 29 2011 02:50 PM
Tsunku doesn't know shit anymore. Everyone opposed it but he had to put her in. I don't care for any of the stupid wota she may have here in H!O and I don't care if I get banned for it, but Chairsan is an abortion who doesn't belong to the Idol world and least of all to MM.

She doesn't sing for crap and she doesn't even move during choreographies and during MCs she doesn't do anything but stand there while everyone else does the talking.

She better get out or f-off and die.
 May 29 2011 03:00 PM
Hey, what's with the Chair-san hate?! A lot of new members didn't sing or dance very well at the beginning. Sometimes these things need time. They do get lessons, you know. Come on, give her a chance!
 May 29 2011 03:04 PM
Mods please ban Morning Death for insulting my favourite idol. This is a website dedicated to worshiping H!P idols, insults and negative comments are not welcomed. If you don't like my favourite idol, keep your flaming comments to yourself. Chairkun's singing has improved 85% since she joined H!P, the piece of furniture works herself to death in concerts. Her roles in PVs are awesome and she hardly gets camera time for her effort. Get lost and ogle AKB 48 instead troll.
 Morning Death
 May 29 2011 03:08 PM
Don't tell me you have hopes for her. Traning can improve lacking girls but it cannot do miracles. Chairsan is a disaster and she herself knows that, that is why she does nothing but kiss everyones ass to get acceptance. I don't intend to be hateful, but her presence in MM is a threat to the group that I love and that I will not allow.

Don't try to sugarcoat yourself here, now I know where you stand. When Chairsan brings doom to MM don't just runaway and hide because those who support this Tsunku decision will be as responsible as him in MM demise.
 May 29 2011 03:37 PM
it was a waste of 25$ just to get to chairsan handshake event .. sadly I didn't get her sign and she keep mute and never show her hand. what a frustrating. sigh~
 May 29 2011 03:43 PM
Guys, guys; she's just a newcomer, wait until she starts showing her cushions
 May 29 2011 03:54 PM
You have to admit, though, the girl's got back! And a great set of legs!
Besides, from what I've heard she's not even the worst singer in the group!
 Morning Death
 May 29 2011 03:58 PM

 May 31 2011 10:40 PM
I think Sofa-chan did better in the auditions. She has a much broader appeal than Chairsan. Hopefully Tsunku will put her in Eggs or something.
 Jun 01 2011 12:23 AM
I just hope Chairsan doesn't get caught by Friday when she lets men sit on her
 Berryz Kamen
 Jun 01 2011 04:40 AM
this conversation needs to be documented somehow lolol I think this is the best I've seen.
 Jun 06 2011 01:42 AM
Chairsan on stage!! *w*

 Jun 06 2011 02:02 AM
^ What an amazing performance! Chairsan was so beautiful in that! <3 I've always said that she is better in live performances than in pvs. They just never give her enough camera time, but she is epic live.
 Jun 06 2011 02:21 AM
Wow :O Thanks for sharing. I never really thought Chair-san was that great, but...wow
Did anyone else see Gaki and Chair-san's chemistry there? CHAIKI FTW!
 Jun 06 2011 04:09 AM
but i heard chair-chan's sister's taller and alot slimmer.... why didnt she get in? stool-tan's pretty too D: