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Yajima Maimi,

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Uploaded on 14-May 11
By sunshine0823
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 May 14 2011 03:23 PM
 Jun 03 2011 08:28 AM
 Jun 05 2011 08:48 PM
There are moments when Maimi's beauty really vexes me. I sit in front of my computer, I stare at her face, hoping that I will get used to it and that I will stop reacting to it so strongly. But the longer I stare at her, her perfect face, her perfect body, the more I shiver and eventually I cannot take it any longer and I look away. How is it possible that simply looking at something can disturb my hormonal balance so quickly? I mean, I'm just looking at her. I'm not smelling her. I'm not touching her. God, if only. While enormously frustrating, it is also amazing in a way that certain facial features, certain body curves can so powerfully remind me of my biological imperative. It would probably be even worse if I was actually in her presence. Looking at pictures of her always leaves my mind in a strange, disorganized state. I lie in my bed, I stare at the ceiling and I feel sad. I want to look at her picture again, but I know that it will push me farther down that empty hole and it's so hard to get back out again. Sometimes I go in so deep that I cannot distinguish 'up' from 'down' anymore. I float, I spin, I slide away. Then, hours later, I find myself back again, but without memory. A total blackout, I don't remember what happened, but I want to look at Maimi again, to maybe find out. Perhaps Maimi is the key to some sort of higher state of mind, a previously unknown cognitive skill of the human brain. I suspect the transition destroys the memories. I must get back. Maimi will help me. She never let me down. It has also become painful to look at other girls. When I look at Maimi, I wonder what she would look like in a wedding dress, a short skirt, a beautiful bikini, … naked?! But when I walk down the street and look at ordinary girls, I only wonder how their heads would look like on a stick. I suppose I'm a really sick guy, but hey I'm just going crazy over a girl! That's normal, right?! Right?!!! You think I'm a lunatic, don't you?! YOU THINK I'M F#CKING MAD!!! BUT LET ME TELL YOU: I DON'T GIVE A F#CK!! You can think all you want. I know I'm normal. You know, I just want to fit in. It's hard for a guy like me. The world is not fair!! IT'S NOT FAIR, YOU HEAR ME?!!!!! Maimi would understand. Maimi would know how I feel. She's always smiling at me (in the pictures anyway). Not 'sneering' damn it! Tell me something: why are you even reading this far? I haven't even made a paragraph break. Oh, I almost forgot what I came to say. Maimi looks really good in this picture. Wouldn't you agree. See? I'm normal again. I fit in. I post normal comments. Wow!! <3 <3 <3 You can have the dress, I take Maimi. Ha ha ha, a laugh riot!! I'm prepared to suffer just to be normal. It takes a lot of willpower. I'm not good at controlling it. Especially when she's around. But we must all stay loyal to the Goddess Maimi. Maimiism. (Are idol religions still around?) Anyway, I gotta run. … where are my pills?
 Jun 05 2011 08:51 PM
^DAYUM that's one long comment o.o

anyway .... I love that pic of Maimi ^^
 Jun Wolf
 Jun 05 2011 09:38 PM
@ L414 - All time favorite comment. I asked myself why I read all the way through. lol I see a huge block of text and i normally runaway--but this one was different. its open my eyes to a whole new world...
 Jun 05 2011 10:38 PM

This picture is sex.
 Jun 05 2011 11:45 PM
Wow, clear example of tl;dr XD must be the longest wall of text I've seen here (and no spaces! lol)

ANYWAYS what really matters here is Maimi <333 this picture is just too great <3333
 Jun 06 2011 02:22 AM
^x5 brool story co
 Jun 06 2011 07:49 PM
I like the part about the ice cream and the paper bags in his comment.
 Jun 06 2011 08:54 PM
^x4 Truth detected :)