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Fujimoto Miki,

Yoshizawa Hitomi,

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Uploaded on 01-May 11
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 May 01 2011 10:53 PM
Yomiki lives!
 May 02 2011 02:41 AM
Naturally. Yomiki is eternal~
 May 15 2011 09:34 PM
Naughty Miki! You haven't been married long and your already cheating lol
 May 15 2011 10:16 PM
Err... if I were Miki's husband, I'd encourage it... as long as I got to know every detail. XD
 May 15 2011 11:02 PM
^ You'd encourage your wife to cheat on you? o_0
 May 15 2011 11:05 PM
Lol I understand but that's not what I meant :3

What I meant was now that Miki's married she should leave ♥IshiYoshi♥ alone... as she should have done in the first place since Charmy has been Yossie's since about 2001 *cough cough* XD
 Jun 12 2011 03:41 AM
^ Not really, but if a woman went both ways, so to speak, I wouldn't expect her not to have girlfriends, because then she would have to choose between one half of herself and the other, in a sense, and though I joke about it, I wouldn't really expect the details. LOL I guess that is bizarrely open-minded, but I'd really tolerate that.
 Jun 12 2011 05:09 AM
^Remember that guy from FRIENDS who got dumped by his wife for another girl ^^;
 Jun 12 2011 05:15 AM
^ XD Well, it's better to have loved and lost...

Besides, if you think that is weird, think of how Sayumi wants a man to cheat on her. Anyway, I'd choose Yossy over Shouji any day. =P
 Jun 12 2011 12:10 PM
zam has the point I wanted to make XD I know you're probably like 'YES my girl is bi/pansexual I want her to have a girlfriend so I can watch' or whatever, but I think you'd kick yourself if she left you for that girl. Leaving someone for another person is the same, no matter what sex that person is, right?

Being bisexual doesn't mean you can't live without having both, it means you're attracted to both men and women. It has nothing to do with being monogamous or not. And I just felt like clarifying.
 Jun 12 2011 05:28 PM
^ Actually, I said that I would NOT really want to watch (that was a joke), and I know monogamy is possible for anybody. I just wouldn't expect it in such a case. IOW, she could have girlfriends without me having any selfish angle in the matter, and it's not quite the same as a straight person "cheating", because a straight person gets what he or she wants from a man OR a woman, which isn't true for a bisexual.

Of course bisexuals CAN be monogamous. I just wouldn't place an absolute obligation on them to be that way unless they wanted to be.

Edit: And the same would be true the other way. If I were a woman, I'd have no problem with a bi man having boyfriends, not because he would "have" to but just because I wouldn't want a person to feel torn.
 Jun 12 2011 06:12 PM
"it's not quite the same as a straight person "cheating", because a straight person gets what he or she wants from a man OR a woman, which isn't true for a bisexual"

Oh no no no no honey, no.D:
Bisexuality doesn't mean you NEED to have both men and women. It means you CAN fall in love and be attracted to both men and women. It doesn't mean if you date a man, you NEED to have a woman on the side to be content.

People are only monogamous if they want to be, regardless of their sexual orientation. Cheating is the same either way. You have a relationship with someone and when you violate the trust you have placed in each other (I mean when you don't have an open relationship or agreement on dating others) by dating someone else, that's cheating. If you're bisexual you aren't excluded from that 'because you go both ways'.

...please educate yourself further on this subject, man. You've got the wrong idea.
If you wanna talk about this more I suggest you PM me or leave me a comment.
I just needed to set this straight (lol pun).
 Jun 12 2011 06:37 PM
^ I sent a PM. You're right. I didn't mean to offend anyone with my ignorance. My intentions were good even though I was ignorant.