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Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Kamei Eri,

Mitsui Aika,

"Li Chun, Junjun",

"Qian Lin, Linlin",

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 05-December 10
By lalasoso
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

Fantasy! Juuichi

 Dec 05 2010 04:28 AM
This is too cute!
 Dec 05 2010 05:13 AM
Cool! I've never seen the back of one of their albums before.
 Dec 05 2010 05:16 AM
Reina has the most doll like pose in this picture, I think. :3
 Dec 05 2010 05:23 AM
^ I felt that way with all the cover pictures. Her sort of broken-doll pose and the way she kind of crosses her eyes makes it really believable.
 Dec 05 2010 05:28 AM
^ I know, right? She really looks like she's made of porcelain in these covers/pictures.
 Dec 05 2010 05:43 AM
Sayumi's pose is also very realistic.

Aichan and Eri look like wax statues instead of dolls, LinLin looks like one of those little ballerinas on top of music boxes and JunJun looks like a mannequin.

But yeah, Reina doll wins

And I still can't help but thinking about this tune whenever I see these covers

 Dec 05 2010 08:52 AM
I need Reina doll. And Sayu doll is also good.
 Dec 05 2010 09:30 AM
@ LoRo: loved the music,
tunes like that just make my heart go all aflutter and the like. :)
 Dec 05 2010 06:11 PM
This is beautiful! Why would they put this on the back? :(
 Dec 05 2010 07:01 PM
I want this dollhouse, and these dolls too. S.o. get them for me for Christmas? Please?
 Dec 05 2010 07:33 PM
Well I would hate to break up the set so I guess I have to get Aika and Reina right? Oh heck I'll take them all. I really want them now. XD
 Dec 05 2010 09:46 PM
 Dec 06 2010 05:11 AM
I also think that this should've been the cover O.O
 Dec 06 2010 03:01 PM
Would make a really nice cover indeed.
 Dec 06 2010 07:32 PM
I don't play with dolls... ok, maybe just this once. :P
 Dec 06 2010 09:26 PM
 Dec 07 2010 02:58 AM
""people" don't know bout my dollhouse"