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Niigaki Risa,
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Uploaded on 01-December 10
By lalasoso
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Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Niigaki Risa 

Fantasy! Juuichi

 Dec 01 2010 10:47 AM
holy...legs :nosebleed:
 Dec 01 2010 01:22 PM
legs aside, that dress confuses me O_o
 Dec 01 2010 01:25 PM
^ How?
 Dec 01 2010 04:32 PM
look at the ferret- *ehem* I mean dress.
 Dec 01 2010 09:21 PM
gorgeous shot
 Dec 01 2010 11:33 PM
This is just amazing <3
 Dec 02 2010 12:32 AM
whats there to be confused about. its an elegant dress with fancy jewels on it with a slit up the middle so the legs can be easily exposed [see above pic] and fur is meant to be a sign of wealth and stuff
 Morning Death
 Dec 02 2010 01:19 AM
The dress confuses me too with how it can shamelessly cover that gorgeous piece of art.
 Dec 02 2010 03:16 AM
to be more specific, the chest area looks odd as if it's worn sideways or something since the pad area went under her arm or something ._.
 Dec 02 2010 03:21 AM
you boys and your lack of knowledge when it comes to fashion. :P
 Morning Death
 Dec 02 2010 03:24 AM
We just think that those fancy clothes are always in the way.
 Dec 02 2010 03:38 AM
^ Truth detected.
 Dec 02 2010 03:43 AM
care for her to do a lil sdn48 on us?
 Dec 02 2010 03:47 AM
^ No

(No as in... I wouldn't care..... at all)
 Dec 02 2010 03:50 AM
^would definitly boost her up to my top five if she did XD
 Dec 02 2010 03:54 AM
man, i'd crap myself and then die if she did that.
 Dec 02 2010 03:59 AM
Well just imagine her in her PBs and in a bikini, except...not in one.
 Dec 02 2010 03:59 AM
In fact, who votes for TakaGaki to reenact SDN48's Megumi Ohori x Yukari Sato pic below???

I DO!!!
 Dec 02 2010 04:04 AM
^count me in. question is- who's boobs will be the ones who get the hand action?

sniper: don't you know i've already done that? goodness knows countless others have too. i can't be the only pervy perv here!
 Dec 02 2010 04:09 AM
^ Both. Ai could be standing above Gaki with her hands lowered, and Gaki could be standing with her hands raised. Does that make sense? I'm sure someone could figure it out.
 Dec 02 2010 04:09 AM
^no, not the only one, just the biggest ;D
 Dec 02 2010 04:11 AM
Aichan could be in the front, with Risa grabbing her breasts... since Aichan is the "biggest" of the pair

And no...... Glass is not the only perv here.... I have imagined most of the members like that before.

Heck, I've even had sex with them in my dreams (... don't ask)
 Dec 02 2010 04:15 AM
^...oh i'm asking alright >=o

 Dec 02 2010 04:18 AM
okay I was reading this all, you got some weird topics xD
Now I go to bet and try dreaming of Sayu,
Good Night everyone (¬_¬)zzz
 Dec 02 2010 09:24 AM
I like that dress... I think it looks nice...

And I'm all for boobs grabbing between gokkies. :D
 Dec 02 2010 02:26 PM
Boob grabbing's good. Especially if I'm the grabber.
 Dec 02 2010 04:44 PM
^ Boob grabbing is a lot of fun. Just make sure you have the person's permission.

Risa looks flawless, but that scarf thing needs to diaf.
 Dec 02 2010 05:50 PM
^permission? what's that? O_O
 Dec 02 2010 06:57 PM
^ eligibility
 Dec 02 2010 07:17 PM
e-li-gib-b-...huh? O.o
 Dec 02 2010 07:18 PM
Junboobs would be nice to grab.

 Dec 02 2010 07:28 PM
^ Oh. What's your point?
 Dec 02 2010 10:13 PM
^ what? are you having a bi-polar moment or something?
 Tiger Yuri
 Dec 02 2010 10:56 PM
Verbal irony perhaps?
 Dec 03 2010 12:55 AM
ROFLMFAO @ Psycho's bipolar moment XD
 Dec 03 2010 02:55 AM
tourette syndrome looool xD
 Ganbacchae! It's Alright!
 Dec 03 2010 03:01 AM
I love her shoes. Lol @ previous comments.
 Dec 03 2010 06:02 AM
would someone photoshop something on Gaki-san's hand, a tray of food perhaps
 Dec 03 2010 12:28 PM
It was just my opinion of grabbing boobs :>.

Becharm, photoshop like: "No, Linlin, this is my food. Wait, why are you looking at me like that? Linlin? Why are you coming closer...?"

I'm bumping this because THE HAND.