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Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 01-November 10
By lalasoso
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Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Takahashi Ai 

 Nov 02 2010 02:09 PM
Aw, she looks so lonely!
 Nov 03 2010 08:51 PM

I'm So Ronery
So ronery
So ronery and sadry arone

There's no one
Just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work rearry hard and make up great prans
But nobody ristens, no one understands
Seems like no one takes me serirousry

And so I'm ronery
A rittle ronery
Poor rittle me

There's nobody
I can rerate to
Feel rike a bird in a cage
It's kinda sihry
But not rearry
Because it's fihring my body with rage

I'm the smartest most crever most physicarry fit
But nobody else seems to rearize it
When I change the world maybe they'll notice me
But until then I'rr just be ronery
Rittle ronery, poor rittle me

I'm so ronery
 Nov 03 2010 09:46 PM
i wish aichan see more happy tree friends. or starwars that speed up with happy tree friends theme song with it.