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Okai Chisato,
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Uploaded on 14-October 10
By BryxW
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Tags: Okai Chisato 

 Oct 15 2010 12:30 AM
So cute!! I had a dream last night that I met her :D too bad it was just a dream...
 tattoo fish
 Oct 15 2010 01:26 PM
The other night I had a dream that she was in and we could read each other's minds.
By the way, who was it that said a while back that if you dream of dolphins, it means you're gay?
 Oct 15 2010 01:27 PM
^ Me... Did you have a dream about playing around with them? :D
 tattoo fish
 Oct 15 2010 08:44 PM
The dolphins or Chisato? Cause if it's Chisato, I ain't tellin'.
 Oct 15 2010 09:03 PM
^ Dolphins. But now I'm more interested about your dream with Chisa... :)
 Oct 15 2010 09:33 PM
To see a dolphin in your dream, symbolizes spiritual guidance, your intellect, mental attributes and emotional trust. Utilize your mind to its capacity and you will move upward in life. Alternatively, it suggests that a line of communication has been established between the conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself. Dolphins represent your willingness and ability to explore and navigate through your emotions.
 tattoo fish
 Oct 16 2010 02:37 AM
Stany has reached the border of the creepy old man line!
Anyway, it was like, I was at the beach, and, just, dolphins kept swimming with me. I think I dream that a lot, though...

^ You take all the fun out of things. I obviously have no spiritual guidance, intellect, mental attributes, or emotional trust.
 Oct 16 2010 08:45 AM
^ Don't be so hard on yourself. :)

^ These things don't exclude each other... Or are you trying to say that my friend has lied to me, Ame-chan? :D
 Oct 16 2010 06:45 PM
The dolphins in your dream, like anything and everything else in dreams, are meaningless and were pulled from your memory at random.

Anyone claiming that items in dreams comprise some kind of universal symbology consistent across all dreams is completely making it up (or has been fooled by someone who made it up).

Not so sure about Okai being in your dream, though. Obviously that means something and you should consult tea leaves or star charts or palm-readers or whatever.
 tattoo fish
 Oct 16 2010 08:51 PM
You're very boring, Cardi.

Edit: Stany and I have had this conversation before and you stuck your nose in it then too
 Oct 16 2010 10:30 PM
Reality is more fascinating anyway.
 Oct 16 2010 10:44 PM
Playing around with Chisato would really be "fascinating".
But until that happens there's nothing else then to dream about it
 Tiger Yuri
 Oct 17 2010 12:09 AM
Guys, let's leave Tat Fish and Stan alone. They obviously don't want any interference in their so cool conversation.

 Oct 17 2010 02:26 AM
^ Thanks... :)

Edit: Fuu, I'm glad I didn't write what I wanted to write at first when I returned home from the pub. :D
 Oct 17 2010 03:25 AM
Quoting tattoo fish - "we could read each other's minds." Well, that's one way to overcome the language barrier (it there is one between you and Chisa.)
However, Chisa being able to read some fans' minds may not necessarily result in a positive outcome. *remembering what she did to that watermelon that was staring up at her with juicy thoughts*
 tattoo fish
 Oct 17 2010 03:27 AM
Stany and I are just too cool, Tiger Yuri.
 Tiger Yuri
 Oct 17 2010 10:54 PM
Stan, I wish you had...