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Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 16-September 10
By MickeyMElQ
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Tags: blog  Takahashi Ai 

 Sep 16 2010 04:18 PM
I am loving these vintage looking pics of my lovely :)
 Sep 16 2010 09:16 PM
 tattoo fish
 Sep 16 2010 09:38 PM
Aichan called me a fag in a dream I had the other day. :(
 Tiger Yuri
 Sep 16 2010 10:22 PM
And Risa made fun of me in one of my dreams... Maybe it's a sign. Maybe they're just not nice people.
 Sep 16 2010 11:12 PM
^same for me. i had a dream that both risa, and eri made fun of me and my small boobies.

i must say though, that korean ramen(?) looks ever so lovely.
 Sep 16 2010 11:14 PM
nope, doesn't look like ramen. i don't know what is. (man, i miss the edit function)
 Sep 16 2010 11:22 PM
@tvhead *bro-fist-bump-back-explodes*

^ i remember dreaming about aichan too, we were seeing each other in secret... it was forbidden coz I was 20 and she was 17 -___-
 Sep 16 2010 11:29 PM
@GEL I believe it's "Ramen Toppogi" or something like that.
 Sep 16 2010 11:58 PM
It's called tteokbokki in korea.
Ai-chan got herself some with ramen.
 tattoo fish
 Sep 17 2010 01:49 AM
MM girls are just big bullies. :(
But I actually woke up crying (I think other bad stuff happened though too).

But those noodles do look really good. :O
 Sep 17 2010 02:57 AM
it's rabokki
 Morning Death
 Sep 17 2010 03:14 AM
I have only dream with MM once, and also have had some hostility from one of the members. lol I was walking outside in what seemed to be a park and I saw the girls (it was kind of weird because I couldn't actually see their faces, it was more like I could see their respective bodies but not being able to tell each one of them). I remember that I approached them and asked them for autographs using my limited jap knowledge but Reina was there and kind of having an attitude that killed my joy and enjoyment of the moment. lol
 Tiger Yuri
 Sep 17 2010 04:14 AM
I HAD ONE JUST LIKE THAT. I was just randomly somewhere, and BAM! There's Momusu. I get really excited and went up to them, and asked for Risa's autograph. She laughs at me and scoffs but- Sayu gives me her autograph and is all nice.

Thenn, I had another dream where Tsunku came to America and randomly told me I could be an Egg! So I got all excited, and Tsunku made me try on some clothes and stuff, and then he totally DITCHED ME AT THE AIRPORT. Even my dreams are full of let-downs...