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Ogawa Saki,

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Uploaded on 03-September 10
By lalasoso
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 Sep 03 2010 11:48 PM
I love this drink. But it took me like 20 minutes to figure out how to open the bottle
 Sep 03 2010 11:50 PM
^ Lol, me to, and I opened it in a car...it went all over the car ><
 Sep 03 2010 11:53 PM
How about favor of that drink? Just soda or water? I'm curious.
 Sep 03 2010 11:59 PM
^it's soda, and the flavor, i can't describe, buts good. it's best cold though.

sprinklebuns: i did the exact same thing. nearly wasted the entire bottle too.
 Ganbacchae! It's Alright!
 Sep 04 2010 12:41 AM
Ramune FTW. The first time that I bought a bottle of it, I threw away the vacuum cap thingy and then was dismayed when I couldn't get it open. I have since learned how to open a Ramune beverage properly from looking it up on the internet and studying the directions on the label carefully.
 Sep 04 2010 09:16 AM
Eh? I did it in a few seconds for the first time... even without that cap. And I didn't spill anything...
 tattoo fish
 Sep 04 2010 09:52 PM
You're just special, stany.
 Sep 04 2010 09:55 PM
It might be a magical bottle.
 Sep 04 2010 10:08 PM
My friend bought one once and couldn't open it. I had a feeling the little cap thingy had to do with it but she said it didn't. We were too embarrassed to go back into the store and ask the lady how to open it so she broke the top of the bottle on the stone part of this large electrical box...And all the drink fizzed out...We got some of it on our hands so we gave it a taste and it was so good! And it was so hot out that day too >.>
 Sep 04 2010 11:05 PM
You need a PhD in theoretical-physics to know how to open it without reading anything.