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Michishige Sayumi,
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Uploaded on 29-August 10
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B.L.T. Haro Puro Maruwakari BOOK ~ 2010 Natsu ~

 Aug 30 2010 03:33 AM
 道重 Naoyuki
 Aug 30 2010 06:10 AM
Yes!!!!! I'll love you until the end of time!
 Aug 30 2010 06:42 AM
Haha, I read Q9. (About who she'd pick to be her GF if she was a guy)
Here's a rough (and probably partially off?) translation
Basically, she says when she looks at girls, she already looks from a guy's point of view. She likes Risako's face, style, and her voice to boot! (guys look at more than that, sayu lol)
She'd call Risako everyday just to hear her voice.
Buy all her PBs and DVDs to look at and watch when they can't meet up...which is apparently what she does now anyway!!

hahaha I never thought about it, but Sayu actually makes a realy sweet boyfriend XD
 Aug 30 2010 09:20 AM
O_______o. SAYU~?!
she gives "i'm-a-girl-madly-in-love" vibe.
like sayu, i view girls in man's point of view, but,.. as what krugone said, it's more than what sayu's view.
 Aug 30 2010 09:38 AM
Sayu and Risako? That would be an interesting pairing... :)
 Solo Kazuki
 Aug 30 2010 05:18 PM

It's just part of Zoku V-U-Den ;)
 Aug 30 2010 05:36 PM
^ I didn't mean pairing like that... and you know it! :)
 Aug 30 2010 05:37 PM
Sayu had some scandal she loved woman.
 Aug 30 2010 06:13 PM
^for real? when?
 Aug 30 2010 08:14 PM
LOL Sayumi really is obsessed with Risako. When Risako told her "we're really close, aren't we?" Sayumi was in heaven and fangirled over it like there was no tomorrow XD

Haha Sayumi'd call her everyday to hear her voice, LOL... she can be really scary/sweet sometimes XD
 Aug 30 2010 09:10 PM
lalasoso: oh, if only that were true. XD
 Aug 30 2010 09:46 PM
No, she said when she looks at Risako, she looks at her from a guy's point of view. Not all girls, just Risako :)
 Aug 30 2010 10:44 PM
Sayu is so sweet :3 <3
 Aug 30 2010 10:46 PM
lalasoso: "Sayu had some scandal she loved woman."

Why isn't this true? :(

With pics.