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Kusumi Koharu,
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Uploaded on 22-July 10
By koharuXpinku
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Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Kusumi Koharu 

 Jul 23 2010 12:10 AM
now, I like this
 Jul 23 2010 12:48 AM
"hey! it's wainin bawoons!!"
 Jul 23 2010 05:10 AM
^ lol Actual audible laughter.
 Jul 23 2010 05:10 AM
 Jul 23 2010 06:00 AM
teleton face ftw
 Jul 24 2010 01:12 AM
BAWOONS~!!!! <33

seriously, cute pic lmao XDD
 Suzukira Hikari
 Jul 24 2010 01:43 AM
This is areally a good shot. (I wonder if there's a Sayaka and Yuu version too. teehee~)
 Jul 24 2010 02:34 AM
paul: i made myself laugh too. XD

lawrence: yes, bawoons. :P
 Jul 24 2010 02:56 AM
Bawoons.... my new favorite English word XD
 Jul 24 2010 03:01 AM
^LOL!! you're silly. :P
 Jul 24 2010 06:04 AM
^ that's my fave word now too x3
 Jul 24 2010 05:29 PM
^i'm glad i wrote that comment. it seems to have brought much joy to it's readers. :P
 Aug 14 2010 03:17 PM
*places GEL in a bawoon~~*
 Aug 14 2010 06:14 PM
^LOL!!!! i'd be all "get me outta this bawoon!!"
 Tiger Yuri
 Aug 14 2010 06:32 PM
 Aug 14 2010 08:13 PM
i'll admit it, this is a cute pic. and yes, GEL made me lol too (^_^)
two things though:
one, did you think (from the thumbnail) that koha had lost her legs "in the war"?

two, when opened did you think "whats with the SEARS portrait studio background?"

just sayin' :]
 Aug 14 2010 11:02 PM
tiger: i like bawoon better.
 Jan 09 2011 07:10 AM
Bumped for old times sake.

Now I REALLY have to get to bed!
 Jan 09 2011 07:59 AM
^ oh goodness! XD
 Jan 09 2011 08:28 AM
hey, we all missed bawoons XD
 Tiger Yuri
 Jan 09 2011 08:47 AM
 Jan 09 2011 01:52 PM
^ not cool, not cool. -__-
 Jan 09 2011 09:20 PM
^ it's ok. some people just don't share the same kind of sense of humor. happens all the time. ^^
 Jan 10 2011 11:12 AM
^but but but..... bawoonnsss D:
 Jan 10 2011 08:40 PM
i believe in bawoons.
 Tiger Yuri
 Jan 10 2011 10:17 PM
Obviously I understand the joke. I am "stating the obvious", which is a form of humor- a technique used because it is so obvious as the norm. I am "correcting" them pretending to be unaware that they realize themselves they are spelling it wrong. Also, I was repeating what I had said last year in above comments. Humor is complicated, and if you have to explain it then either you don't get it, or it just wasn't funny...

 Jan 10 2011 10:23 PM
^ i just thought you were being a buzzkill. ^^;
 Jan 10 2011 11:57 PM
Just admit you don't like bawoons. We won't hate you (much).
 Jan 11 2011 10:47 AM
so if someone were to make a photoshopped pic of this in
the style of obama's "hope" thingy, replacing "HOPE" with "BAWOONS."
they might totally be king of the internet for like a whole day,
just sayin'.
 Jan 11 2011 10:51 AM
What is the bawoons? It's not in the dictionary.
 Jan 11 2011 11:08 AM
^ If buttylicious is considered a word now so should bawoons.
 Jan 11 2011 08:17 PM
tvheadd: if i knew how to do that, i totally would. it sounds awesome!!

lalasoso: it's just a play on the word balloon. it's like when a child says "balloon" but can't quite get the "L" sound, they say "bawoon" instead.
 Jan 12 2011 06:20 PM
big, fuffy bawoonz~! =D
 Love6 (LoveRokkies2.0)
 Jan 12 2011 06:25 PM
 Jan 12 2011 06:27 PM
Oh, kind explanation, thanx.
 Jan 12 2011 07:43 PM
"Did you ever look at a balloon... I mean REALLY LOOK at it? What does it mean?!"
 Jan 14 2011 09:43 AM
^it means... god, truly exists *o*
 Jan 15 2011 07:44 AM
 May 05 2011 12:33 AM
(feeling nostalgic today.... decided to bump :)

today, we remember bawoons. -__-
 May 05 2011 02:58 AM
still funny! XD