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Michishige Sayumi,

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 18-July 10
By Amped-Echoz
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Jul 18 2010 02:43 AM
This shot orginal pics of mms are special.
 Suzukira Hikari
 Jul 18 2010 02:46 AM
^ is that good or bad?
 Jul 18 2010 03:07 AM
Good. These pic sets are so cool. clothes, place, quality are nice.
 Jul 18 2010 07:07 AM
Agreed. They need those clothes in a PV, as opposed to the recent few...
 Jul 18 2010 07:28 AM
Isn't that the pose of Eco Moni?
 Jul 18 2010 09:25 AM
you can just see the difference in size between aichan's hand and sayu's. XD
 Jul 18 2010 06:49 PM
these clothes look really hot. by hot i mean like really sweaty underneath.
 Jul 19 2010 01:12 AM
@ponikolinlin: AMEN.
 Tony Nakagawa
 Jul 19 2010 01:16 AM
Sayu's sweat could be bottled in limited quantities (1oz vials) and sold to fans at concerts and handshake events. Eau de Sayu.

On second thought, the vials should be and must be an exclusive item sold only at the Official H!P Shops. That way an accurate tally can be kept as to which member is selling more of their essential oils and bodily sweat.
 Jul 19 2010 01:36 AM
SayuAi is getting really cute with this picture and the kiss in Genki Pikapika live o:
 Jul 19 2010 03:18 AM
"Eau de Sayu" makes it sound like it could be explained away as perfume endorsed by Michishige, but if it were named THIS IS LITERALLY MICHISHIGE SAYUMI'S SWEAT (or whichever girl's sweat you're buying), X mL in big block letters then anbody could see it - a friend who isn't an H!P fan, perhaps - and know right away that, yes, I paid money to own a container of a pretty girl's sweat and it's clearly labeled so that I can't deny it.

It would separate the normal people from the true fans.
 Tony Nakagawa
 Jul 19 2010 03:24 AM
^ True that! Very cool!

And there could be grades too. Sayumi's arm sweat could be, for example, 10,000 Yen per 1oz vial. Sayu's back sweat could be 15,000 Yen per fluid ounce. Neck sweat, leg sweat, butt sweat, underarm sweat, etc. would be at different prices. Those sales would, of course, be categorized and tallied in Shop sales figures.

Or maybe not. Perhaps just the official sweat, regardless of grade, would be good enough. But, there must be at least the "Premium Blend".
 Jul 19 2010 04:16 AM
tony k must've REALLY did his homework on this subject. XD

cardi. does that not make me a "true fan" if i don't find the allure of owning sayu's sweat appealing?
 Jul 19 2010 04:35 AM
Massive déjà vu here... didn't we already have an idol bodily fluids conversation before?

"Eau de Sayu" reminded me that there actually exists a japanese water preparation called "sayu", reheated boiled water (what? why don't they just call it "mou ikkai atatameta mizu"? LOL, only in Japan)
 Jul 19 2010 04:44 AM
^we did, back in aichan's thread. XD
 Jul 19 2010 04:55 AM
It's worth discussing in great detail, methinks.
Well, we're only using Michishige as an example for this idea. You could hypothetically buy a sweat vial from any of the current H!P girls. So yeah, to answer your question, you wouldn't be a True Fan of Michishige Sayumi if you don't want to buy her sweat, but does that surprise you?

Now Tony, I wouldn't want to complicate it, especially since it's better to have simplistic sales figures in order for fans to brag at each other over a foreign stranger's popularity. I'd stick with just one product to ease direct sales comparisons. Though of course I'd be crazy to shoot down the Premium Blend option so that'd be the only variation.

Hopefully the idea launches soon and maybe they release a Making Of DVD.
 Jul 19 2010 05:07 AM
"You wouldn't be a true fan of Michishige Sayumi if you don't want to buy her sweat"

That kinda reminded me of this: http://engrishfunny....rish-eat-poo...

WARNING: Nasty crap
 Tiger Yuri
 Jul 19 2010 05:51 AM
The real fan test would be if you'd drink it. Film it, and upload it.
 Jul 19 2010 05:59 AM
cardi. you're right. though, i'm a fan of sayu's, i wouldn't buy a vile of her sweat. i prefer to see it glistening on her skin. *waggles eyebrows*
 Jul 19 2010 05:45 PM
oh man i'd buy so many vials of sayumi sweat and use it as broth for my soups
 Jul 20 2010 09:59 AM
You guys make me sick, with the sweat talk.
But the photo itself is great, they're looking stunning there. :D