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Kumai Yurina,

Sugaya Risako,

Natsuyaki Miyabi,

Sudou Maasa,

Tsugunaga Momoko,

Shimizu Saki,

Tokunaga Chinami,

Berryz Koubou,
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Uploaded on 08-July 10
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Jul 08 2010 07:23 PM
Rii's giving me "DA LOOK" omg <33

They all look so amazing <33333
 Jul 08 2010 10:13 PM
such a wonderful, wonderful picture. And an even better group!! ♥
 Tiger Yuri
 Jul 08 2010 10:16 PM
ARCHE. THERE ARE SEVEN PEOPLE HERE. Please give a specific compliment to one of them other than Risako-chan, thank you.
 Jul 08 2010 10:19 PM
There is only Sudou Maasa.
 Legend of Spira
 Jul 08 2010 10:39 PM
^ http://i25.tinypic.com/jubj9z.jpg ?
 Jul 08 2010 10:45 PM
 Jul 08 2010 10:50 PM
 Jul 08 2010 10:55 PM
Ehh... I love all Berryz and they're all epic to me, why should I prove that to some random H!O user? If I see something worth pointing out even if it's not from Risako, I just say it. This time Risako's looks were the main focus to me so yeah. Otherwise, I'd have say something like "Oh Berryz so epic and beautiful" and shit like that you know.

But of course, if I only said good things about Maasa nobody would be like "Arche say good things about everyone", huh.

But if you're asking for it, here ya go:

Captain is looking awesome as always, I love her warm smile and the tone of blue she's wearing.

Momo is working that hat, I love her hairstyle in this single eventhough her clothes for the past singles have been looking the same.

Chinami's makeup is quite weird in this single but in this pic it looks quite fine. She's looking really mature.

Maasa is locking pretty badass with those pants. I don't really like here hairstyle her but it looks ok.

Miyabi has some weird Axl Rose style going on, but I still love it (maybe the only one who actually likes it). Her hair looks amazing too.

Yurina is gorgeous as always, her hair is amazing and I bet they made everyone else stand up over boxes so that Yurina would be the same height as Captain lol. She looks the olderst here.

Risako has this sexy glance going on, she's really into her character. I'm glad she doesn't have her Tomodachi bangs anymore, I didn't like them. Her ears are looking quite adorable too.


^ BTW, that's creepy.

 Jul 08 2010 11:14 PM
^ i know... is like for example i love Momusu since forever, but REINA is my fave. i give compliments to her always, and nobody tell me " say that to all the members" c'mon , especific comment to all the the groups is not a rule.
 Jul 08 2010 11:29 PM
^ Glad someone understands :)
 Jul 09 2010 12:06 AM
Risako so badass, her nails in her right hand don't have colors

Momo's shimmery cap, Momochi ~ ♥
( 。◕‿‿◕。) ♪ ♫
 Tiger Yuri
 Jul 09 2010 12:10 AM
My intentions were not to offend Chochpancakes and Arche.

It is a peeve of mine when users only seemingly bump and/or comment on their favorite idol. I don't blame you for having favorites.

Good point, Choco, it should be a rule, a banned if broken rule, where you must post one good thing about each member in paragraph form on every single pic you post on in the picboard.
 Jul 09 2010 12:14 AM
A rule that, if broken, gets every user in the thread instapermabanned.
 Jul 09 2010 12:18 AM
You should get rid of that peeve if you want to avoid headaches in the picboard lol.
 Tiger Yuri
 Jul 09 2010 12:21 AM
And if it happens more than once in the same day, then the entire site goes down for at least a week until the offenders get the message.

It'll always haunt me.

 Jul 09 2010 12:34 AM
Momochi ~ ♥
( 。◕‿‿◕。) ♪ ♫
 Jul 09 2010 12:47 AM
^ XD
 Helder Ribeiro
 Jul 09 2010 01:44 AM
 Jul 09 2010 01:54 AM
@all maasa: OMGOSH.. I won't be able to sleep tonight! >_< xD!
 Jul 09 2010 02:13 AM
The make-up is all over the place/their faces in this picture.
It's like they tried to make a best-of-gone-wrong of all of their singles so far...
 Tiger Yuri
 Jul 09 2010 02:24 AM
Ya know, I didn't notice that but you're right. The correlation with the make-up is a stretch.

...Still cute, though...
 Jul 09 2010 06:40 AM
Captain!!! ~BUMP~
 Jul 09 2010 08:57 AM
supaa..!! kawaii ..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daisuki ..
 Jul 09 2010 10:26 AM
its ok i understand but look,do you prefer ppl to be fake saying thinks than dont even think about the members? ,or for example..if i think everyone (and i give them a specific compliment for them)looks pretty and cute, but Yurina looks ugly for me, and i say it, then everyone in the pocboard come to say me bad things!(yeah it happen b4 with Risa, and im a Risa fan lol..) , sometimes better to say only good thing about one idol, and make happy to all her fans who read it, than say the real thing we tought about the others. Fans dont need to be hurt in the picboard,and fans have her own minds, dont try to dominate .-.

And i come back with the thing i say be4 in other pic, i dont speak english very well u,u ,and here a lot of ppl dont how to, thats why we write just a few words sometimes.