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Hirano Tomomi,
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Uploaded on 26-June 10
By Nayok-Kihara
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Tags: Hirano Tomomi 

 Jul 06 2010 11:40 AM
Oh... You are really 25 years old ? You are so graceful...
 Jul 06 2010 11:54 AM
She does look old.
and boring.
and generic.
and uninteresting.
 Jul 06 2010 12:07 PM
Wow I've never heard of her before, but the Jpopstop wiki says she's 26 and a grad student. That freaks me out, because there's no way I would be able to tell her age by looking at her. Oh the other funny thing is that she says she looks up to Reina. I'm not sure what to make of that.
 Jul 06 2010 12:15 PM
Shes pretty, but i hate her as a idol.

Shes old and can't smile, what the hell.
 Nichan Desu~
 Jul 06 2010 01:31 PM
Shes has sort of a Yuko Nakazawa complex about her
 Helder Ribeiro
 Jul 06 2010 03:09 PM
Why cribbaz is always talking about Risa?
 Suzukira Hikari
 Jul 06 2010 03:32 PM
She sorta looks like Momo with less energy. Did momo test her antiaging formula on her?
 Jul 06 2010 11:06 PM
Maybe this is Tsugunaga's other half. She expelled her non-energetic aspects upon becoming an idol and it turned into a tired older girl? idk where im going with this
 Suzukira Hikari
 Jul 06 2010 11:40 PM
^ That's some Kirby and the Amazing Mirror crap there! only instead of 4 different Momo's, there were 2; a younger one FULL of energy and an older one who awlways seemed tired all the time..
 Jul 06 2010 11:50 PM
Momoko is an eternal idol. The extra years split off into another human being and Momoko starts over as an idol with a new identity.
 Jul 07 2010 01:05 AM
^So that means that Momo did that when she was..around..seven years old?

idk I'm just trying to make sense of this.
 Jul 07 2010 02:33 AM
No no no, she reached a much too old idol age probably 25-30 and created this zombie. And she's also been taking off years since she was 12 so she doesn't get older.
 Jul 07 2010 02:52 AM
And now the Hirano-golem has made her way into Hello!Project. One step closer to fulfilling that unrelenting drive to reunite with her other half and finally be whole again.
 Jul 07 2010 04:38 AM
^It's only natural. There are more golems, but they are much too old to even be considered as an egg.
If we suddenly see an increase in middle aged eggs, you know why.
 Jul 07 2010 06:56 AM
Didn't you guys have to read The Picture of Dorian Gray in high school? It's just like that. Momoko stays young and beautiful forever, and this girl takes the consequences.
 Tiger Yuri
 Jul 07 2010 06:59 AM
Oh so. As in Dorian Gray, Momo will not be able to keep it up much longer.
 Jul 07 2010 07:00 AM
Yeah and when the spell finally ends she will turn into Mitsui Aika. So sad.
 Tiger Yuri
 Jul 07 2010 07:17 AM
That's not too much of a curse.
 Jul 07 2010 04:07 PM
I have never heard of that book ever.
 Piper G
 Jul 07 2010 07:58 PM
Guys... pleaaase stop saying 25 is old ^^;;

I promise you when you reach this age you will regret saying that ^^;;

Also Nakazawa Yuko was, what, 27 or 28 when she graduated from Musume?

In other news, go Tomomi! You represent all of us twenty-something girls who have dreams <3
 Jul 07 2010 11:46 PM
For an idol, 25 is very old. It's just kind of a fact.

Well, girl idols. Boys can get away with higher ages.
 Jul 08 2010 12:02 AM
Exactly, Piper G! She's not old ;_; She looks super young like the other idols!! I'm 24 but that doesn't stop me from having dreams. Nothing should, she looks great.
 Tony Nakagawa
 Jul 08 2010 12:24 AM
Well... I think she's at least as pretty as any of the current Morning Musume lineup (with the exception of Sayumi). And I'd have to suspect she's got more talent than JunJun, Risa, or Aika.
 Suzukira Hikari
 Jul 08 2010 12:27 AM
^ what we need is to hear her sing!
 Jul 08 2010 01:01 AM
I feel so old when people say she's too old to be an idol. :(
 Jul 08 2010 01:01 AM
At first i didn't know what to think about her, but when i saw her at her introduce herself at the egg concert She was so cute and nervous i can't but root for her.
 Suzukira Hikari
 Jul 08 2010 01:10 AM
^ vid please?
 Jul 08 2010 01:33 AM
Let me ask you a question? Does she look 25? No. Honestly some of the MM girls(TAKAHASHI AI ANYONE?) are "too old" to be idols but that always doesn't matter because you are partial to them. You guys are idiots, just stop. Stop saying she's too old and just say you hate her instead.

25 is not old by normal standards at all, if you truly think that then you are dumber than I thought. People are older than that here and you are making them feel bad when they have no reason to feel bad in the first place. :|
 Suzukira Hikari
 Jul 08 2010 01:40 AM
^ i'm not hating, I'm basically nutral or however you spell it until i can hear her sing
 Jul 08 2010 01:50 AM
^ I didn't say you were. :P She's in here a bit I believe, not singing. However you have to sift through other cute Eggs though to find her. ;feature=related
 Suzukira Hikari
 Jul 08 2010 02:21 AM
EEEE she sounds so cute. my guess is that she hides her charisma for big perfomrances. How clever!
 Jul 08 2010 02:24 AM
^^Neutral. :3

I finally really looked at the photo (lol) and I LOVE her clothes. <3 Her skirt especially. :D
 Jul 08 2010 04:28 AM
Quirky's no fun at all :(

\/I'm just going to agree with him apparently Hirano's age really hits a nerve with him and I don't want to get hurt
 Tiger Yuri
 Jul 08 2010 04:37 AM
I'm afraid Quirky'll pull a knife if this argument doesn't go in his/her(?) favor.
 Everything Japanese Lover
 Jul 08 2010 04:48 AM
You know, Hiracchi hasn't been an egg long, and she's already one of the most talked about XD
 Helder Ribeiro
 Jul 08 2010 04:58 AM
Sage Tony said: "And I'd have to suspect she's got more talent than JunJun, Risa, or Aika."

Oh Tony, what a hard mission to fullfill... not.
 Jul 08 2010 04:59 AM
Her and not really. I just don't think the age argument has anything to do with it to be honest. Aika's young and still looks like she's 100. It's really not a valid argument. You would be much better off discussing how much her singing voice or personality sucks. I don't care if you think she can't smile, hell I make fun of her for that all of the time. I don't care if you think she's boring, she appears to be a creepy ass robot at this time. Hirano-golem is not my waifu or anything so whatever.

However, when you make other people feel bad because 25 is oh so ancient than that's where I draw the line. It's not cool, man.
 Jul 08 2010 05:15 AM
If it makes you feel better, I get called an old man a lot at 22.

 Tiger Yuri
 Jul 08 2010 05:24 AM
People younger than you are always going to think you're old, no matter what age you are. Get over it. The world's a cruel place, and sometimes people "feel bad". TRY TO PULL A KNIFE OUT ON ME NOW, WILL YA.

 Jul 08 2010 05:30 AM
@Cardi I wish I was considered old-looking, then maybe old man pedo perverts would stop hitting on me.
 Jul 08 2010 05:34 AM
I never said 25 is old. I said it's old for a girl idol.
Seriously, wota tend to stop caring around 17 it feels like.
Of course in the real world 25 is hardly old.
 Jul 08 2010 05:45 AM
^^ Uh, hey....... baby.
 Helder Ribeiro
 Jul 08 2010 06:05 AM
^Now somebody will say "WE HAVE A PEDO HERE" and then I'll say "REALLY?"
 Tiger Yuri
 Jul 08 2010 06:44 AM
 Helder Ribeiro
 Jul 08 2010 03:29 PM
 DM was on fire!
 Jul 08 2010 04:30 PM
Dude. I could've swore she was eleven.