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Kusumi Koharu,

Natsuyaki Miyabi,

"Li Chun, Junjun",

"Qian Lin, Linlin",
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Uploaded on 05-June 10
By Zeratul
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Jun 05 2010 09:09 PM
Yeah they still look FAT.
 Jun 05 2010 09:10 PM
I really think those dresses make them look like they gained a lot weight ._.
But still, SO PRETTY! x33
My cute Koharu-chan ♥
is this a recent picture? o.O
 Jun 05 2010 09:17 PM

I'm not sure I really like the outfits. I just don't think they're that cute :/
But awesome group, nonetheless
 Jun 05 2010 09:33 PM
Remove these big knots behind this outfit, it gives them a huge waist...
 Jun 05 2010 09:35 PM
Miyabi looks so beautiful ♥
 Jun 05 2010 11:16 PM
 Jun 05 2010 11:44 PM
It's the only time I'd consider chubby chasing as being a good thing. Mmm I'm gonna get me some chubby loving.
 Jun 06 2010 12:49 AM
It's so great to see Koha!
Even if it is in this ridiculous costume...
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Jun 06 2010 01:26 AM
Wow! Koharu-chan looks super pretty.
 Jun 06 2010 05:31 PM
Koha looks amazing! It's so good to see her back.
And I gotta say, I still don't like the outfits... Oh well. I didn't wait for anything too glamorous after seeing some of the dresses they make the girls wear for concerts...
Seriously now. They need to get a better stylist.
 Jun 08 2010 01:27 PM
Koha in brown hair <3
 Jun 08 2010 01:48 PM
 Jun 08 2010 03:44 PM
They don't look very well in this photo :< But Miya made a video of herself where the whole dress is shown, it looks better there. I think we can relax about it..

AND KOHA!! WOHOO!!! Its good to have her back :>
And even in this awesome unit of awesomeness ♥♥

Seriously, this unit is full of win.
 Jun 08 2010 04:24 PM
The outfits are not very flattering around the waste. But other than that I kind of like them. I guess I'm used to weird outfits by now.
 Ganbacchae! It's Alright!
 Jun 08 2010 07:05 PM
My original opinion still stands:
I <3 all of their voices and hope that the song selection will live up to them.
Junko's hair is still brown, I see. ;_;
The dresses are cute! ^_^
Miya's bow is TOO SMALL! She deserves a more extravagant one.
It's not the waist of the outfits that bothers me so much as it's the boots. Bleh.
Finally, the awesomeness of the girls themselves outweighs any nitpicking that I can come up with. I look forward to seeing them perform!
 Jun 08 2010 09:36 PM
They look great, everything is great about the outfits, they don't look fat at all. Afterall, how can women who are not fat look fat? :P They look great in anything. I'd sport a dress like that!

And chubby chasing? GIVE ME A BREAK. I don't think you people know what chubby is.
 Jun 09 2010 01:04 AM
Koharu looks beautiful as always!
The outfit looks better in her blog where you can see two-shot with Linlin and Koharu.