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Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Kamei Eri,

Mitsui Aika,

"Li Chun, Junjun",

"Qian Lin, Linlin",


Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 23-May 10
By Amped-Echoz
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The Television

 Tiger Yuri
 May 23 2010 10:37 PM
Yaaay! :D
 May 23 2010 10:37 PM
This is going to be Epic!!! I Can't Wait <3
 May 23 2010 11:10 PM
Water gun battles I hope! :D
 May 23 2010 11:27 PM
Ai's looking to kill. XD
 May 24 2010 01:11 AM
Aww Aika looks so cute in the middle! Also Risa, hot <3
 Tiger Yuri
 May 24 2010 01:13 AM
I just realized the adorable enthusiasm from Mitsui. <3
 May 24 2010 01:30 AM
lol ai-chan is saying, "Look at me. You know I'm attractive."
 May 24 2010 01:33 AM
I never realized how nice Aika's body was lol
 May 24 2010 02:31 AM
Lol so much brown hair. Still looking mighty fine <3
 May 24 2010 03:18 AM
I am SO buying this<3
..KameShige. ^^;
 May 24 2010 03:42 AM
everyone's going for the cutesy look. i guess aichan didn't get the memo.
 May 24 2010 08:31 AM
Mitsui wins this photo with her cuteness for me. Her and Reina are doing the same pose too. <3
 Morning Death
 May 24 2010 08:32 AM

Mittsi is too busy enjoying herself to care about shooting.
It is Linlin’s first time with a gun.
Does Junjun want to shoot you or give you the gun?
Kame doesn’t know she has a gun on her hand.
Sayu has just realized her gun is not loaded.
Gakisan is ready for “friendly fire”.
Reina… I am not sure from where she is opening fire.
Aichan: Already killed me. I want to say more from her but yet once again words do not suffice.
 May 24 2010 09:10 AM
ASDFKL; KAME YOU ARE BLOCKING MY VIEW. AGAIN. Granted you are looking fine, but in the DVD you'd better stay out of the way of Junthigh unless you're spanking it.

I'm happy to see Mittens get such positive reactions and attention! Strange, put her in a bikini and people turn around... funny how that works. Glad to see her bangs down for a change :)
 May 24 2010 11:40 AM
aika is really cute there >///<
 May 24 2010 11:53 AM
Junjun <333 She's looking great! Aika caught my attention first though. Her pose is cute :D
 May 24 2010 04:49 PM
Kamei pull this one more time and I'll see to it that they graduate you posthaste.
 May 24 2010 05:22 PM
Aika's gotten gorgeous these days.
 May 24 2010 05:58 PM
 May 24 2010 07:10 PM
Aika... is that u?! She looks stunning!!
 May 25 2010 01:48 AM
Where's Jun Jun? All I see is my beloved Kame-chan.