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Ogura Yui,

Ishihara Kaori,


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By Shirow
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Picboard: Hello!Project   

 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 May 17 2010 03:11 PM
Sugoi Excellent
 May 17 2010 03:55 PM
Need more!
 Pukovnik Krv
 May 17 2010 04:08 PM
And people say Aichan's ass is nice? I think we have a winner :P
 May 17 2010 04:10 PM
 May 17 2010 06:24 PM
Uh oh, what's that red stuff on my keyboard?
 May 17 2010 07:15 PM
I have absolutely no interest in them musically or otherwise but DAMN that left one has a nice ass.
 May 17 2010 07:41 PM
^ Seriously. What Pukovnik said. So, is this the YuiButt?

*slaps self for making such comments about 14 yr old girls* x.x
 May 17 2010 07:45 PM
I wasn't expecting this one.
 May 17 2010 07:52 PM
 May 17 2010 08:00 PM
ai-chan has more tone, thus win
 May 17 2010 08:22 PM
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 May 17 2010 08:38 PM
It's just not Ai's week, is it...? First she loses in a sword duel to Manochan and now she is thoroughly humiliated in the Best Butt competition.
 May 17 2010 08:44 PM
omgyes :D
 Ada xD
 May 17 2010 09:10 PM
humiliated? oh lol~

*disgusted by middle aged lust over disturbing pervert-bait-chans*
 Jun Wolf
 May 17 2010 09:18 PM
Wow, lol you guys are... Ai won the sword fight IMO, because she looked the part. Mano was too school girl wit it.

ANYWAY, this Yui does have a nice rump. But gonna have to see it in a few different angles. I go with ASSembler, lol he knows whats up!

 May 17 2010 09:53 PM
Nah nah it's ok. XD
 Legend of Spira
 May 17 2010 10:17 PM
Yui >>>> Ai... actually
Everyone ever >>>>>>>>> Ai.
 May 17 2010 11:49 PM
^Oh, you give me the giggles, you silly beans <3
 May 18 2010 01:08 AM
lol I think Ai's got herself some competition.
 May 18 2010 01:38 AM
whatever people said, Aichan's still champion, is truth.
 May 18 2010 03:21 AM
this girl is 14 and aichan 23.... then i dont want to imagine this girl at 23! if now she has this ass *¬* how lucky are some girls dmn it XD..i have to go to the gym if i want this ass too XD!
 May 18 2010 03:56 AM
Discussions about butt are always fun to read.

Yeah :/
 May 18 2010 04:02 AM
Discussion about butt always remind me that I'm not an ass man at all which is possibly an embarassment to my people.

Yeah :/
 May 18 2010 04:50 AM
 May 18 2010 04:55 AM
Takahashi Ai > Ogura Yui
 May 18 2010 05:40 AM
I don't think it's just Mother Nature's doing. I'm sure the reason she has a nice posterior is at least partly due to the fact that she's doing ballet. Ai-chan used to do ballet, too, didn't she.
 May 18 2010 07:17 AM
^she did. i believe eri did too.
 May 18 2010 08:31 AM
Gotta admire H!P... trying to break through in the West with one hand, and then promoting underage girls in this manner. Can I have "Cultural Differences" for 100 please, Dick?
 Morning Death
 May 18 2010 11:17 AM
^I totally got the "break through in the West with one hand" part so wrong.
 May 18 2010 11:41 AM
ah! so the secret is ballet!
 May 18 2010 03:06 PM
^ Yup, it's ballet, 99% of the girls I know that do ballet have absolutely beautiful and firm behinds!
But this Yui girl, out of nowhere, instantly got the title of "Acchan's Nemesis"!! XD
And "Best New Comer" of the year!
 May 18 2010 03:38 PM
must...stop...staring @.@
 May 18 2010 04:32 PM
Eeyore: These girls are not part of Hello! Project. They're just under Up Front.
 May 18 2010 06:36 PM
In the words of the sugoi excellent Tony Kusumi:

"Ogura Yui is sugoi excellent."


"Let's drink some beers and watch pretty girls sing and dance!" XD
 May 18 2010 06:57 PM
 May 18 2010 07:20 PM
@Nayok-Kihara - Apologies, I thought this was an H!P Picboard, but I guess UFA is close enough. ;)

But it also means that there's no threat to H!P's best butt belonging to Ai-chan! :D
 May 18 2010 08:31 PM
We need more of this.
 May 18 2010 08:44 PM
Eeyore: I think the only reason HAPPY! STYLE (what Yui and Kaori are from) stuff is allowed on the Picboard (as far as I know/I'm guessing) is because some H!P members were/are involved with some HAPPY! STYLE activities, thus giving them enough relation I guess (like Tsunku's NICE GIRL Project.)
 May 18 2010 11:30 PM
@niinii4ever: I don't think admiring one of the marvellous wonders of this world will send you to Hell! XD
 Tiger Yuri
 May 18 2010 11:32 PM
These girls are making Aibon look like a saint.
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 May 18 2010 11:35 PM
I'm still completely outraged over this. Not really. It's awesome.
 May 18 2010 11:39 PM
@Tiger Yuri: In my opinion, I think the opposite is true! XD

Kago's adult PBs make YuiKaori look like saints! XD
 May 18 2010 11:49 PM
dat ass.
 Tiger Yuri
 May 19 2010 12:06 AM
But Aibon's an adult. I'm alright with adults doing boderline porn, but I'm NOT okay with boderline child porn. Which is what this would be considered. (Keep in mind I'm from the US.)
 May 19 2010 12:09 AM
^ Do you mean that in the USA, there's no such thing as girls in their mid-teens wearing bikinis?
 May 19 2010 12:12 AM
call me in 4 years.
 Tiger Yuri
 May 19 2010 12:13 AM
No, I'm suggesting that different cultures have different social acceptances.

 May 19 2010 12:17 AM
sure, this would never happen in the US

oopps, i guess i was wrong
 May 19 2010 12:23 AM
@Tiger Yuri: If it's "socially acceptable" for people to see bikini-clad mid-teen girls at the beaches and swimming pools in the USA, why is it not "socially acceptable" to see such girls in pictures?
 May 19 2010 12:25 AM
@Stitch2000; wow, that's disgusting.
 Tiger Yuri
 May 19 2010 12:27 AM
If I remember correctly that received a lot of flack. In the... US! I hope you're not trying to make the argument that US, Japan, etc culture follows the same guidelines as every other culture.

On a side note, they were actually really good dancers for their age. xD
 May 19 2010 12:33 AM
Someone even started a thread in the H!O Forum for that:

Little Girls Working It To Single Ladies
 Tiger Yuri
 May 19 2010 12:34 AM
When you make PROFIT from bikini-clad underage girls, well, then it becomes a whole different ball game.
 May 19 2010 12:54 AM
^ Well, then let's at least hope that YuiKaori don't feel exploited, but feel happy that they've made some of their fans are happy! ^_^
 May 19 2010 01:37 AM
I think we all know 14 year olds in a bikini at the beach is not the same as 14 year olds posing in bikinis with their butts sticking out, to advertise their single that's the theme for an incest themed ecchi/hentai anime :P
 May 19 2010 02:13 AM
^ Exactly.
 Molly :D
 May 19 2010 02:48 AM
Whatever. They're cute. Go whine about Momoko in a bikini.
Yui <3
 May 19 2010 03:13 AM
Momoko in a bikini isn't creepy in the least - she's a grown woman :P a grown woman who looks 12, but a grown woman none the less. Don't get so defensive - it's not Yui's fault she's being pandered to men with mommy issues and lolita complexes.
 May 19 2010 03:28 AM
"it's not Yui's fault she's being pandered to men with mommy issues and lolita complexes."

That's sugoi excellent, or some other broken Japanese/English term that is supposed to be meaningful
 May 19 2010 03:50 AM
maybe this girls are so innocent and they dont even know what they are doing XD
 May 19 2010 03:57 AM
^ right...
 May 19 2010 04:56 AM
This is priceless.
 Helder Ribeiro
 May 19 2010 06:04 AM
The little girls doing Single Ladies are so talented o_o
 生命 戦勝至高
 May 19 2010 09:43 AM
GOLD :thread saved for posteriority: (PUNFAIL)
 Morning Death
 May 19 2010 10:23 AM
I think I will dub this picture "Beyond Good and Evil".
 May 19 2010 10:38 AM
^ Nice title. I've just finished that book, you know. :)
 Morning Death
 May 19 2010 10:50 AM
Not actually read it, but we discussed some of it in the Theory of Personality class when we talked about the notion of personallity and the different stands regarding it from different points of view, talking about Nietzsche here I think.
 Molly :D
 May 19 2010 12:48 PM
So what about pictures of Risako in a bikini then? Airi? Neither of them are grown women, yet there seems to be less whining.
 May 19 2010 01:37 PM
Because of the context. Now, personally, I find those photobooks a bit creepy at times myself. But they still aren't in the same context as these photos - where the girls are advertising their single for an ero incest themed anime - not to mention other pics from the shoot show them laying upon each other and slowly unbuttoning their night gowns.
 May 19 2010 02:00 PM
In this case they are actresses. They are playing their role and promoting product.
Airi/Risako photo-books are promoting basically them-selfs as idols. Hm..
 May 19 2010 03:38 PM
dunno about you guys, but all the akb-whiners who talked of low-brow wars, to me happystyle (and to an extent tsunku's tnx arsenal) is UFW's "response" to the "akiba scourge". Didn't people often complain how tasteless some of the other groups are and now I really hope they can see they all will post in quite the same manner in the name of uh, profit...professionalism.
 May 19 2010 04:17 PM
Tony changed all his comments here :(
 May 19 2010 06:12 PM
^ I just noticed that.. It made me sad D:

@Stitch2000: Holy shit that's disgusting.
 May 19 2010 06:20 PM
Not all, just 2 (his first and third)! XD
(IIRC, his present "This is an outrage." used to be "Over-the-top goodness" XD)

Anyway, I just want to say one last thing:

I'm here to admire the physical beauty of pretty girls, regardless of their ages! ^_^
Most of the time, I'm ignorant of their real ages anyway... besides, if they're well-developed enough, it's hard for me to tell whether they're underage or not! XD
 May 19 2010 07:27 PM
Tony, you don't like this pic anymore? Why :O
 May 19 2010 07:59 PM
This pic represents what i love most about becoming an fan of Idols and at the same time the thing that bothers me the most. I do love it when i see pics of beautiful young women, but then there's the guilt i feel when i find out how young some of them are. But then again if their 14 or 40 there is nothing wrong with admiring a pretty girl.
 May 20 2010 01:21 AM
But it does get skeezy when said 14 year old girl is half naked =P idk, I just don't like the Japanese way of... accepting the sexualization of pre-teens. Every culture has it's flaws, though.
 May 20 2010 04:10 AM
Tony you forgot to double-edit your third comment as per your first.

Edit: thank you
 May 20 2010 06:08 AM
The more I see this picture the more I love these two!!
I just saw them in a show, GIRLS POP NEXT no Butaiura
http://www.hello-onl...act=tracker&... , performing along side Nocchi and these girls are AMAZING!!!
Yui is not only beautiful and cute but completely nuts and I loooove her for it! and Kaori is awesome too!
I hope to see more of them!
 May 20 2010 06:30 AM
This is not the average H!P stuff i like to see on here. No use complaining tho i suppose...
 May 20 2010 06:52 AM
Tonight on "It's the Mind" we examine the phenomenon of deja vu, I...
 May 20 2010 07:12 AM
Sampson! I stick by my story. Right near the Beach
 Molly :D
 May 20 2010 12:49 PM
 May 20 2010 03:16 PM

"...the sexualization of pre-teens."

Did you mean pre-18 or underage teens?
Because unless I'm very mistaken, Japanese girls from 0 to 12 years old are seldom "sexualized".
 Ganbacchae! It's Alright!
 May 20 2010 04:05 PM
Lol,YuiKaori are RAWKSTARS! So controversial. I love this unit. Ishihara Kaori is the best.
 May 20 2010 08:05 PM
His Sugoi Excellency, Tony Kusumi, said:
"This is an outrage. Or is it?"
"I'm still completely outraged over this. Not really. It's awesome."

And I can't help saying that the more I look at this pic, the more I admire the awesomeness of Yui's facial expression! ^_^
 May 20 2010 08:46 PM
^ whatever helps you sleep at night, dude...
 May 21 2010 04:26 AM
Wow TK has a fan :O
 May 21 2010 05:13 AM
^ Am I the only one? XD
Aren't you a fan of His Sugoi Excellency too? XD
 May 21 2010 05:36 AM
I like TK too XD
 May 21 2010 05:42 AM
I'm not much a fan of telekinesis.
 May 21 2010 05:53 AM
^ Maybe His Sugoi Excellency is a master of TeleKinesis! XD
 May 21 2010 08:34 AM
^For once I thought you guys were talking about this TK instead:
 May 21 2010 04:26 PM
best butt is still owned by Momoko
 Helder Ribeiro
 May 21 2010 04:31 PM
TK is nice kakkoi
 May 21 2010 05:36 PM

I dunno if I'd call myself a FAN per se....
 May 21 2010 07:09 PM
^ Well, before you start calling yourself a fan, maybe you could try to be one first, just for fun? XD
After all, His Sugoi Excellency is simply full of Sugoi Excellence, isn't he? XD
 May 22 2010 12:13 AM
Momo ? No way - best UFA-Butt is "Rika - The Butt" :)

And then comes Yui ;)
 Ganbacchae! It's Alright!
 May 22 2010 01:51 AM
When I read TK I thought about:

But yeah, Tony Kusumi is AWESOME and so are YuiKaori!
 Tiger Yuri
 May 22 2010 02:32 AM
Well... Uh, not keeping up with the conversation or anything... but...

POST #100!!!11! SPAM
 Helder Ribeiro
 May 22 2010 02:33 AM
Shit, i wanted to be the 100th =(
 May 22 2010 02:38 AM
^ delete your previous comments and you can be ;)
 May 22 2010 12:55 PM
Seriously , one both is only 14 years old! ><
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 May 29 2010 02:18 AM
Not a big fan of gratuitous Bumping. But the PicBoard is in dire need of something good right about now. Even if it is rather old.
 May 29 2010 03:25 AM
But dude!

One of them is FOURTEEN!
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 May 29 2010 03:31 AM
^ Hunh? Whenever we talks about "Sugoi Excellent", age doesn't really plays into that equation.

But, I am respects ur opinion.
 Helder Ribeiro
 May 29 2010 03:43 AM
Hey guys, you know what we need here? A best of AWARDS celebration!


"the most commented pic"

"the most sugoi excellent phrase"

"the most sugoi excellent member"

"the most sugoi excellent idol"

"the most kawaii doki doki my heart idol"

and here it goes...

 Tiger Yuri
 May 29 2010 04:29 AM
"The most likely to scandal"

"The most likely to dye hair brown"

"The most likely to succeed"

"The life of the party"

"The flirt"

"The most likely to kill"

"The most likely to bla bla... Just add Sugoi to the front of those if you like."

Oh, and I am, "respects UR opinion 2."
 May 29 2010 04:51 AM
Yeah seriously why is this still being bumped? :|
 May 29 2010 04:56 AM
I misses that pair of concurrent Kikkawa Yuu pics that haved ~200 comments between them those was good times in Picboard.

"The most likely to kill"

We all knows it's cutiepearl for that one.
 Helder Ribeiro
 May 29 2010 03:51 PM
I wanna win something =(
 May 29 2010 05:45 PM
Actually, in Japan, pre-teen girls are frequently sexualized. There are swim suit photobooks of 4 year olds in the gravure section =/ but that aside, the pre-teen bit was a typo on my part. I just meant teen.
 May 29 2010 06:45 PM
so i have to repeat myself, Yui is so cute <3
 May 30 2010 11:41 PM
Helder you can win "Best Helder Ribeiro" award.
 Helder Ribeiro
 Jun 01 2010 04:30 PM
^ YAY!!!
How about a round of aplause? Let me take a bow... Can I have my speech now?

Oops, I did it again...
 Jun 02 2010 10:16 AM
Ishihara and Ogura are the present.

Takahashi Ai is OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!

She should withdraw from the world idol.