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Uploaded on 11-May 10
By bidinio
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Picture size: 700x991
Picboard: Hello!Project 

 May 11 2010 04:34 AM
I'm not trying to be rude, but do you (the uploader) check to see if these old pictures have already been uploaded before?
 May 11 2010 08:00 AM
On that topic, there's gotta be a way to be able to "check" exactly for those situations without sifting through hundreds of pages of pictures. Until visual "image" search becomes smarter across the board, we might as well still be using the card catalog system.
 May 11 2010 06:08 PM
^i completely agree. and while i'm at it, what frustrates me is when i leave a comment, the picboard goes all the way to page 1, and i have to go back through all the pages i've looked through.

^^; sorry, nayok! you get to be the dumpee with our complaints. ^^;
 May 11 2010 09:13 PM
^ Ditto, but I usually just open the comment page from another tab to get around that.

On/off topic, I just found out that the Nexus One can take a picture, analyze it, and visually search for that picture on Google. Now that's relevant technology.

And yeah, sorry NK. It wasn't anything on you.