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Tokunaga Chinami,
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Uploaded on 25-March 10
By Lottie
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Thailand 2010

 Morning Death
 Mar 27 2010 12:04 AM
I have to admit that I have never been much into Chinami, but lately I have seen her getting gorgeous, so gorgeous. I mean, look at that neck, those shoulders. She looks absolutely sexy.
 Mar 27 2010 01:35 AM
^tell me about it! she's usually the one in the background, but look what being in the background does, she done turned out to be a real hottie.
 Morning Death
 Mar 27 2010 03:23 AM
Yeah, somehow is like she came out of nowhere for me. When I watch a BK concert nowadays I feel like I can't decide where to focus my eye on. o.O
 Mar 27 2010 03:58 AM
This pic totally changed my thoughts about Chii.
 Mar 27 2010 04:02 AM
^she really has. but for me, i've always noticed her hands, not so much her face. her hands are so elegant and nice, but just recently, like at the beginning of this year, i've really started paying attention to the rest of her.
 Morning Death
 Mar 27 2010 04:20 AM
I know, I know, her hands look very mature-woman-like. I recall seeing her touhc her cheek or holding the mic close to her face and with those long nails that image kind of stayed with me a little, a little. It isn't like I focus too much on the girls' hands when I see them though. XD I tend to look at their facial expressions most of the time. I enjoy so much watching some Asian's facial expressions, they seem to have a need to express everything with their faces. :) It is a pitty that western women rarely do this but oh well.

Still Aichan's hands are #1 for me. XD
 Mar 27 2010 05:43 AM
looks like Yaguchi
 Mar 28 2010 04:45 AM
Berryz is like 100% sexy lately, but Chii especially.
 Mar 28 2010 06:38 AM
morning death. yeah, aichan's hands are ammmazing. still chinami's hands are a very close second to aichan's.

as for facial expressions. i do enjoy them, but i don't like them when they're forced. i see that sometimes and it just bugs the crap outta me. i prefer a more subtle facial expression, and the expression come from the voice instead. knaw mean?
 Morning Death
 Mar 28 2010 07:32 AM
hmm, I think I know what you mean, but I don't recall seeing those in concerts. I think I have seen them doing those forced expressions when they are invited to these shows where the hosts talk about things that the girls don't either know or care XD and they make those eeeh or uhum faces. But I reallu don't mind those honestly. Speaking of which, Chinami here seems to have that expression working on. lol
 Mar 28 2010 07:41 AM
^that's what i'm talking about. but i have seen aichan give an overly sexy expression a time or two during concerts. like when she's giving her sly little, or should i say, big smile. to me, that seems forced and i think it'd be more sexy when she's not trying so hard.

as for miss chinami here, i think she's got her "thinking" face on. like she's pondering a thought, or two.
 Morning Death
 Mar 28 2010 06:47 PM
I know what you mean Glassy, but I really don't mind or I'm told of by those smiles. I can tell that she may be giving a smile on purpose rather than actually expressing that natural but it does not look bad at all in any sense to me.

Maybe Chinami is thinking about how to force the next smile? XD
 Mar 28 2010 07:31 PM
wowie look who's here :o
she looks so grown up in this picture, gorgeoouuuss!
 Mar 29 2010 07:07 AM
She reminds me of Rika here.