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Yajima Maimi,

Sugaya Risako,

Tsugunaga Momoko,

Suzuki Airi,

Mano Erina,

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Uploaded on 04-March 10
By Nayok-Kihara
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Picture size: 1545x2331
Picboard: Hello!Project   


 Mar 04 2010 06:05 PM
I know AKB48 is more popular these days, but if you gonna put them side by side can we atleast get some pics of the H!P girls smiling? You put a H!P girl not smiling in a school uniform next to a AKB48 girl smiling in a bikini and just seems slanted in AKB48's favor here
 Mar 04 2010 06:14 PM
To me, I am more slanted towards H!P, but then again I am not a man..lol
 Mar 04 2010 06:16 PM
Some of them are smiling. Besides H!P girls don't need to smile, their beauty radiates through no matter what expression they are giving. They don't need big smiles to entice you because they are entirely charming any way they are. :D

@MOCHU I am not a man either and even if I was, H!P is still the best fandom there is. Although, I have been following/fangirling H!P now for most of my life so I may just be a wee bit biased.
 Mar 04 2010 06:32 PM
i don't like any of the bikini girls since the prettiest are wearing uniforms
 Mar 04 2010 06:38 PM
H!P doesn't need to be in a bikini to be awesome.

And Risako is smiling <3
 Mar 04 2010 08:05 PM
^Airi and momo are too. But they aren't smiling like they're on laughing gas, if that was the issue. lol
 Mar 04 2010 08:18 PM
^ Airi's and Momo's smiles are pretty cute too <3 Maimi looks weird but she has another photo so Maimi <3<3<3 lol.
 Mar 04 2010 08:38 PM
Take me down to Akihabara city
Where the wotas scream and the girls are pretty
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Mar 04 2010 08:55 PM
oh won't you please take me home!
 Mar 04 2010 08:59 PM
for henta wotas, butts and boobs are the most important. striking colourful bras & underwears & pea size bikinis are the bonus to them, thats why akb is popular. im slanted towards hp, because the company repects the girls more as a person not treat them then puppets.
 Mar 04 2010 09:57 PM
Now you've opened a whole can of worms...

I find H!P girls a lot more attractive when they're wearing clothes. Not to say they look bad wearing swimsuits (some of them look really good in biknis), it's just that I like them more wearing clothes.
 Mar 04 2010 11:12 PM
^ Yeah same here. But then again, I'm a girl :) lol.
 Mar 05 2010 04:47 AM
my sediments exactly
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Mar 05 2010 05:06 AM
^ I C what u did thar .. :ah yuk:
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Mar 05 2010 05:13 AM
We all definitely have the best hobby/interest in the world. All good in this picture. Do you guys think Acchan looks the prettiest here?
 Mar 05 2010 05:23 AM
Holy Hell Where can I buy this........ Even Nanami is in here! <333 this is totally a must get :O!
 Mar 05 2010 05:37 AM
lol I love the H!P girls like any other~ but seriously, could they have taken a much better type of shots~? I mean come on ~.~

we all know they have good smiles or w/e just they totally could have done a way better decision on a photo shoot theme~ at least have the girls show some personality like winking or tongue out or something and make it a wacky and silly school pic~?

Out of the H!P girls here~ Risako and Airi for me are the only ones who did well~ I love the other H!P girls, but they just seem like mug shots :O! Esp. Mano Erina ~ man she looks pissed lol

On the other hand Nanami looks gorgeous here~ the girls could have done that kind of shot~ gray boring background ftl.
 Mar 05 2010 07:34 AM
All you H!P n00bs who just discovered Morning Musume last week must not remember their glory years in UpToBoy when every other month it was Aichan in bikinis and Rika in bikinis and Maki in bikinis and Reina in bikinis and gosh why couldn't they be more like those sweet girls from Akihabara who always show up nicely dressed in school uniforms.

Tsunku was whoring out his girls like cheescake before Atsuko Maeda was even in a training bra.
 Mar 05 2010 07:43 AM
^ True Story.
 Mar 05 2010 07:46 AM
Risakooooo! :D
 Mar 05 2010 07:47 AM
The thing is, H!P actually goes to the beach or at least a pool to wear their bikinis.
 Mar 05 2010 08:30 AM
^ Haha, I was about to say that too. Agreed 10000% xD
 Mr. Tuhis Kissman
 Mar 05 2010 11:25 AM
Don't even go there, dahling. H!P girls have plenty of experience in presenting the goods, bikini or otherwise.

Plenty of examples to the contrary here, even bikinis without beach/pool:
 Mar 06 2010 11:34 PM
I don't think it matters if they're smiling or not...

Unsmiling Maimi looks a million times more purdyful than smiling Jurina Matsui beside her >_<

(Am I the only one that thinks Jurina looks kinda like an alien? D:)
 Mar 07 2010 11:18 AM
^ agree XD

well... it's because H!P girls are royalty and does not allow any random photographer to just take a picture of them in a bikini in a random background :) they have to be in a place deserving of their royal beauties rather than just plain blue background ;)

lol but yeah... whatever they wear, they ARE our H!P girls... they are awesome. :D
 Mar 07 2010 09:30 PM
My sediments exactly, Patachu.

H!P girls have also released the triple on PB/DVD than AKB's xDD, and they have almost the same number of members doing gravure. I also love how no one has mentioned H!P's super skimpy concert outfits here xDD, though I feel they need them that way because they sweat a lot and not for the drool factor... AKB outfits on the other hand show their shoulders or stomach but they can't show both, they also can't take pictures with fans in those outfits O__o (I'm serious, that rule exists), even if they do bikini photoshoots every week...

By the way, who's that Nanami Sakuraba girl??