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Tanaka Reina,

Kusumi Koharu,

Mitsui Aika,

"Li Chun, Junjun",
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Uploaded on 23-February 10
By Amped-Echoz
View all pictures by this user
Picture size: 1600x1117
Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Feb 23 2010 05:55 AM
WOW! Koharu-chan is extremely beautiful. This goes way beyond just being pretty or cute. It goes way beyond being a Top-Idol. Koharu is insanely and out-of-this-world crazy and scary beautiful. Undoubtedly the prettiest girl in Japan (therefore, the World).
 Berryz Kamen
 Feb 23 2010 07:09 AM
^ I wish I was your daughter.
not even kidding.
 Feb 23 2010 03:39 PM
What's wrong with Junjun? Unlike the others she's like "f**k that".
 jelly man
 Feb 23 2010 04:25 PM
^ she act like this for a few months already.
just like Koharu's attitude before she left MM.[eg. don't laugh in front of camera / always a lone ]
 Feb 23 2010 05:21 PM
Dear Junjun,

Pleace give me a disinterested and slightly disapproving look.

 Feb 23 2010 05:31 PM
Koha, Aika, and Reinya look so cute here <333

lol poor Junjun looks so :l
 Feb 23 2010 06:35 PM
When I see pictures like this I sometimes think H!P photographers are just taking pictures of my fantasies.
 Feb 23 2010 07:35 PM
JJ sporting a "whatever" look
 Feb 24 2010 11:55 AM
Juns look is utterly amazing ;P. She seperated herself from the girls in this pic and made it kickass.

That stamp of their names on the bottom right? Could that give indication on what their business thinks of them? Even more so the line-up gives detail into what they might consider the "hierarchy designation." I viewed their lineup in an interview when musume came to America. Their quick positioning was quite amazing.
I'm not use to seeing large groups like this do such things on the spot like that.

Although, one should be appalled by the filthy stench of capitalism trying to militarize the girls of my calm escape from the severities of reality. but, how can one be when it's the girls on the matter;P

Sorry to the... people who hate seeing stuff getting bumped. -_-
 Piper G
 Feb 25 2010 11:17 PM
It makes me smile how similar Reina and Aika's poses are, down to the slight tilt of their heads. That's kinda crazy.