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Suzuki Airi,
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Uploaded on 21-February 10
By Lottie
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Tags: Suzuki Airi 

 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Feb 21 2010 12:17 AM
Our Top-Idol is so happy!
 Feb 21 2010 02:17 AM
And Cute!
 Feb 21 2010 08:01 PM
Ugh...I like Airi but it's been three singles, I hope the put Miya back, it just felt right, because that was the original buono!...Airi is in the middle of everything..Aa!, C-ute and this, I think she could survive on the end...I don't even think she is that great..no offense I just really like Miya and I think she deserves more attention. :D
 Feb 21 2010 08:08 PM
^ agree =]
Airi gets too much attention xD The other girls are also great especially in°C-ute ^-^
Miyabi back to the middle would be so awesome *__*
 Feb 21 2010 08:12 PM
both of you your wish will be granted after this ALbum Miya will be back at Middle like it was all the time with Buono! releases, so don't complain that much Airi deserves to be in the middle too, for awhile XD!
 Feb 21 2010 08:51 PM


But you are right. Its Buono!, not A-iri, not Aa! - Buono! is fair
this is one of the many great points about Buono!

But I also liked Miya in the middle best for two reasons

1) she is my all-time favorite
2) original Buono!... they had the best Buono!-ish feeling back then.
 Feb 21 2010 08:55 PM
^Yes so please Miya or Momo Fans don't complain that much. ^^''
 Feb 21 2010 09:57 PM
I do want to see Miya at the center again! Old school Buono!, epic!

But I think everyone in Buono! deserves a time in the center. Didn't Momo last 4 singles and an album?
 Feb 21 2010 10:01 PM
yes, but Miya had "only" three and an album... so either after this or after the next single there'll probably be another change, right?
 Feb 21 2010 10:28 PM
Oldschool Buono!? It's like there are gone one or a few Members lol, In the end it's all the same even if Miya, Momo or Airi in the middle.....^^'' I'm even Happy to see Airi wether she's right, middle or on the left corner!
 Feb 21 2010 10:59 PM
^ Haha, I know, maybe oldschool wasn't the right word XD but those songs back in 2007 seem to be so far away lol.

I just want to see Miya again at the middle, since I wasn't a Buono! fan when Buono! was like that :)
 Feb 21 2010 11:00 PM
I don't care where they're positioned in relation to one another.
 Feb 22 2010 12:56 AM
WTF, I don't understand all this who's in the middle shit! (tired of reading it).
 Feb 22 2010 05:29 AM
I like Airi, and I agree with everyone.. I don't care who the heck is in the middle, just let enough screentime for everyone and I'm fine.
 Feb 24 2010 12:11 AM
I dont care whos in the middle, but Airi should get to be in the middle once in a while. Its not like its unfair she suddenly gets to be in the middle after Miya and Momo. It is fair.