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Tanaka Reina,

Kamei Eri,

"Li Chun, Junjun",
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Uploaded on 15-January 10
By Nayok-Kihara
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Picture size: 1401x1616
Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Jan 15 2010 05:59 PM
interesting.. anyone know what it says?
 Jan 15 2010 06:11 PM
it's talking about the new audition for the play.
 Jan 15 2010 06:14 PM
It says Reina was incredibly intoxicated.

IT goes on to say she jumped up and screamed about having some fried chicken.

Kamei was so offended for Reina, that she alarmed the workers to summon the chef.
As the chef went to go see about the matter; out of NOWHERE! Kamei picked up a plate and ferociously threw the food in the chefs unsuspected face. After these events transpired, (the spaghetii and lettuce on the chefs head as a tomato slides down the chefs right cheek)
she began pointing him back into the kitchen reasurring the chef that these unfortunate circumstances will not happen again.

Jj was unforunately kicked out aswell, even though she did not show up with the two nor was she sitting at the table with them.
Someone was quick to point out that she was a part of their entertainment group.
 Jan 15 2010 06:19 PM
^ Some people might actually believe you. XD
 Jan 15 2010 06:40 PM
LMFAO @ Chriswatch
 Jan 15 2010 07:23 PM
My eyes cannot adjust to the camera angle and I keep seeing Eri as a giant and Reina as a dwarf behind her XD XD
For as much as I look and look at it again, still seems to me like their feet are on the same level, which makes Eri's waist being at the level of Reina's boobs a strange sight XD

EDIT: ooh ooh, I finally get it: Eri is on the stairs while Reina is still back there. Ok, haha, I still laugh imagining that they're next to one another ^^
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Jan 15 2010 08:11 PM
Chriswatch.. . have a gold star... A-PLUS!
 Jan 15 2010 08:56 PM
HAHA chriswatch? fired chicken are you sure you're not on about nakazawa hahaha xD
 Jan 15 2010 09:15 PM
@ La'aKea
It's ok. I still think Kamei Eri is a giant in the picture, too. Maybe she's just a giant in real life and they use some sort of special effect whenever Tanaka Reina is next to her, like what Lord of the Rings did, but in reverse.
 Jan 16 2010 12:34 AM
^ You know, I was totally thinking LOTR here. I thought: "looks like Gimli next to Legolas" XD XD (for some reason I didn't think Frodo and Aragorn).
 Jan 16 2010 07:36 AM
Chriswatch, I almost believed you. Hm. I wonder if I should get a larger sense of humor..? :P
 Jan 16 2010 06:00 PM
I admit I looked on H!O's main page to make sure Chriswatch wasn't serious. XD
 Jan 23 2010 12:16 AM
Atleast they left a tip.