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Ishikawa Rika,
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Uploaded on 30-December 09
By Kain Slaughter
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Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Ishikawa Rika 

 Dec 30 2009 12:51 AM
 Dec 30 2009 12:58 AM
She definitely is the hottest piece of hotness in H!P ever.
 Dec 30 2009 01:24 AM
I don't get why everyone love her so much i think girls like Momo and Airi are much hotter
 Dec 30 2009 01:28 AM
^ They probably like her cuz she is ALL WOMAN. ;D

And Airi and Momo are still just girls. mwahahaha.
 Dec 30 2009 01:29 AM
You're probably just too young to understand.
Momo and Airi are cute little girls.
Rika is a woman. And a damn hot one, too.

Whoops, Louise beat me to it.
And said the exact same thing ;-)
 Dec 30 2009 01:29 AM
@grubby: Momo is similarly well-reared, but Airi? I mean... I guess she is cute, but she isn't Rika-level hot... not even close.
 Dec 30 2009 01:34 AM
I like them all...^^ Airi, Rika and Momo =P
 Dec 30 2009 03:55 AM
Holy Rika ! :D
 Dec 30 2009 06:36 AM
Rika's charm in comparison to Momo and Airi summed up into one word: Adult.
 Dec 30 2009 08:16 AM
I think grubby lost.
 Dec 30 2009 08:47 AM
@ grubby

Airi and Momo aren't hot.....yet. just wait 3-5 more years so you can say that
 Dec 30 2009 09:00 AM
Rika has a very nice body but her face is not up to par with Airi and Momo
 Dec 30 2009 09:26 AM
^You are right. Rika isn't ugly like Airi and Momo.
 Dec 30 2009 09:39 AM
i don't know why everyone's comparing her to airi and momo, when her face isn't the main focus of this pic.
 Dec 30 2009 10:29 AM
^Well, everyone else (except grubby) wasn't comparing facial structure, they were complimenting/comparing Rika about her womanly hood, not where her teeth are aligned up or how her face resembled a certain rodent. They just plain said that they like her deliciously juicy buttocks, compared to any H!P member (give or take a few, depending on your view).
Rika will always win, not matter how hard a person tries or how hard they compare (within H!P), Rika will always win by default.
 Dec 30 2009 10:34 AM
^ haha totally.

To even compare Charmy to an H!P kid is insulting. XD
 Dec 30 2009 02:10 PM
Rika is my favourite H!P member ever, but I just have to ask, am I the only one who likes her for her PERSONALITY?
 Kain Slaughter
 Dec 30 2009 04:18 PM
Of course not, that was the main reason I started to like her <3
 ぐ-ちゃん ♡
 Dec 30 2009 04:52 PM
I think Goto Maki is much hotter and much more beautiful ~

Nice picture anyways ~ ! <3 *Bumped*
 Dec 30 2009 05:10 PM
Rika chan..please marry me ;p
 Dec 30 2009 05:54 PM
I like yellow.. it's my favorite color.. and now I like it even more...
She definitely has the nicest booty in H!P. Along with Aichan.

Momo and Airi can go fish.
 Dec 30 2009 06:47 PM
It seems that Ai got some competiton for the butt-shot queen title...
 Dec 30 2009 07:16 PM
Momo, when seen from the same perspective (literally), is hot as well, though Rika is certainly sexier overall.

@IamMe: What does the winner of the butt-shot queen title receive as her reward? =P
 ぐ-ちゃん ♡
 Dec 30 2009 07:22 PM
Alot of men going crazy over their but-shoots. :D
 Dec 30 2009 07:30 PM
Neither Momoko nor Airi are hot, they are kids and just cute. That's a fact.
Rika on the other side is an extremely attractive and hot young woman.
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Dec 30 2009 07:40 PM
The water looks nice. Probably a pretty nice beach.
 Dec 31 2009 01:52 AM
Butt-shot Queen is going to be close, but I got my money on Ai's behind. But then again Rika.. grrr *plays baby got back*
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Dec 31 2009 01:55 AM
She looks like someone from Grand Prairie Lake. That butt is going for a dime a dozen.
 Dec 31 2009 02:35 AM
^ If so, I want to go to Grand Prairie Lake! XD
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Dec 31 2009 02:56 AM
^ You can come visit and buy my house if you like. There's a lot of average and sub-average butt around here. Rika's butt is in the average to sub-average range.
 Dec 31 2009 03:13 AM
lol rika, airi, and momo?? NEVER thought i would see these comparisons HAHA.
@ぐ-ちゃん ♡ : truth
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Dec 31 2009 04:14 AM
Haha ... I know what you mean... TruckStop Rika is in a class not by herself.
 Jan 03 2010 09:08 PM
so is butt xD
 Jan 03 2010 10:59 PM
How do you even go about comparing Momo, Airi, and Rika? None of them look ANYTHING alike.
 Helder Ribeiro
 Jan 03 2010 11:27 PM
Say Airi and Momo faces are pretty and Rika isn't makes me feel this forum is so wrong for me... What a weird world with weird minds... But i'm still here =) Charmy <3 Body + Face + Personallity <3

4th gen ftw.
 Jan 04 2010 12:59 AM
momo and airi bodies are like 8-12 years old, and unless you like child pornography
 Jan 04 2010 01:45 AM
"momo and airi bodies are like 8-12 years old"...

I don't know about Airi, but that sure as heck isn't true about Momoko!
 Jan 04 2010 03:23 PM
^momo is extremly short, not only body but her face hasnt changed much throughout the years if you were to compare with other berry members. I would actually say airi grown a lot but she still small but momo looks no different from a few years go. And momo is not even the youngest of all berryz, risako is. Look at risako vs momo.