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Sugaya Risako,

Tsugunaga Momoko,
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Uploaded on 26-December 09
By Tabiryah
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1st Chou Berryz

 Dec 26 2009 09:30 PM
 Dec 26 2009 10:36 PM
^Because, apparently Risako wasn't in this pic with her. ;D

They look so cute! Risako looks so pretty in light blue. (:
 Dec 27 2009 03:44 AM
Its odd that Tsugunaga Momoko still looks the same but Sugaya Risako has mutated into a heavyweight. genetics i guess...
 Dec 27 2009 05:22 AM
^ wtf? mutated ? are you a trekkie or something...

and Rii is hardly heavyweight... look at america please.
 Dec 27 2009 05:46 AM
^hey now! there'll be no talking bad about the US. XD
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Dec 27 2009 06:21 AM
Early Berryz Kobo was loaded with cuties. Check out that Girls Growing Up DVD. All sugar and spice and everything nice.
 Dec 27 2009 07:25 AM
Come on, really guys? You're talking about this again?
Just because Risako looks different, doesn't mean anything.. Airi looks completely different too, I don't see complaints about her. Risako was so freakin' adorable, now she's so amazingly beautiful.
 Dec 27 2009 07:38 AM
^tell me about it. no one has the right to say anything negative, unless there's a valid reason for it. she looks amazing these days, and besides, she's what, only like 15 or something? in the next 5 to 10 years, she's gonna be a total knockout.
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Dec 27 2009 10:34 AM
^ she can knock me out every time.... in fact she does... the lack of blood in my brain causes me to black out....
 Dec 27 2009 05:08 PM

"wtf? mutated ? are you a trekkie or something...
and Rii is hardly heavyweight... look at america please."

Your post contradicts itself T3hLouiseChan. Risako has North American blood so your mutated overweight American insults actually apply to Risako. I am not sure about the Trekkie comment.
What happened to her canine teeth? Did she have surgery to correct them?
 Dec 27 2009 05:28 PM
risako was super duper cute when she was young. Ive always felt she was the prettist of all hp kids, but i wouldnt say shes prettier than maimi now.

 Dec 27 2009 06:06 PM
Risako looks lovely then and now. ♥
 Dec 27 2009 06:34 PM
I would say she looked better then with her real teeth and natural face dimensions. Her face shape and weight has changed drastically over 5 years, for comparison Momokos appearance hasn't changed at all.
 Dec 27 2009 10:35 PM
^that's called "growing up". it happens to the best of us.
 Dec 27 2009 11:28 PM
You can't compare Risako to Momoko. Risako has changed a lot over years, and that's a nromal thing of growing up. Momo, however... she's special, dunno why she hasn't changed at all LOL XD
 Dec 28 2009 05:51 AM
Maybe Risako is using a drug that makes her stay small and look young like those gymnastic girls!!

But seriously... a good percentage of East Asian girls tend to look the same until mid-20. That remind me, Takitty is getting there.
 Dec 28 2009 11:58 PM
One anti-Risa comment and you get hundreds of off-topic comments ranting back.
Poor Rii.