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Michishige Sayumi,
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Uploaded on 22-November 09
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Nov 22 2009 09:29 PM
This one is really a bad shot!!
Damn you photographer!!
 Nov 22 2009 10:52 PM
 Nov 22 2009 11:13 PM
this is real sayumi
 Nov 22 2009 11:33 PM
fake Sayu ONLY!
 Nov 23 2009 12:27 AM
 Jun Wolf
 Nov 23 2009 12:54 AM
Wow.. what the french toast.
 Nov 23 2009 02:04 AM
it's sad that every part of this picture is cute except her legs :/
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Nov 23 2009 02:28 AM
What's wrong with her legs?
 Nov 23 2009 02:51 AM
^Though that statement may be sarcastic, or made to show that you overlook imperfections or whatnot, I'll go ahead and answer. lol

the back of her legs look lumpy. edit: and strained.
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Nov 23 2009 03:08 AM
I'm in text only mode on the handheld device. What do you mean by lumpy? Bruises and such?
 Nov 23 2009 03:33 AM
Do you think it could just be the shadows of the skirt? I doubt Sayu has cellulite.
 Nov 23 2009 03:47 AM
^^alright. n___n

Her muscles are sightly strained and it kind of looks like cellulite? (lumpy fat..?) Not too bad. Lighting and position doesn't help. (She's bent over slightly.)
 Nov 23 2009 04:14 AM
probably had chafing from wearing all those weird dresses.

sayu even ur imperfections are perfect~ :D
 burnt glitter
 Nov 23 2009 04:24 AM
It's a photo in motion, so it's probably just the fat of her legs moving and the lighting of the picture made it look a bit lumpy and shadowy. I've seen a pic like this of every one of the girls. When your body is in motion this is what it looks like. Work it, Sayu!
 Nov 23 2009 04:29 AM
This just proves that even H!P girls are human- but Yuko and Yossy are superhuman! That I insist upon! XD
 Nov 23 2009 05:41 AM
if i had a body as nice as sayu's, a little bit of cellulite would be the least of my problems.
 Nov 23 2009 06:19 AM
lol, yeah I'm pretty sure she doesn't have cellulite. It is just her excess fat or what little of it she has. It's just it was shot in a fast paced motion. And as we all know. Sayu is NOT a very atheletic person what so ever. So she is really flabby-ish, and soft ~ but it's most definitely not cellulite. We've see her dozens of times in her photobook making of's which is doubtedly super-edited
 Nov 23 2009 06:27 AM
cottage cheeeseeeeeeeee XD
 Nov 23 2009 06:56 AM
People seem to like to blame photos like these on a photographer, but I'm not convinced, at all. Why would UFA and/or H!P keep hiring photographers that take so many photos of girls in awkward positions and mid-dance maneuver leg-spreading? And why are there never any photography credits?

My best guess is someone is sitting at home with a fan video or concert DVD and taking the most absurd screenshots that they can produce while the girls are in action.
 Nov 23 2009 07:06 AM
^ this is not an official photo taken by UFA.
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Nov 23 2009 07:35 AM
Well, that happens. She's is getting old.
 Nov 23 2009 08:59 AM
^ LMFAO "old"? The girl only turned twenty this year. Sayu's got a loooooooong way to go before she's seriously old.
 Nov 23 2009 01:31 PM
^That's twice the age she should be.
 Nov 23 2009 04:20 PM
if she's old, then 99.9% of the members here are ancient, including mr. tony kusumi who made the outrageous comment... and i don't mean in a good way.

^twice the age? what does that even mean?
 Nov 23 2009 08:45 PM
Twenty = Old? LOL, that made my day. As an old man of 24, I have to put in my dentures and apply arthritis cream now. XD
 Nov 23 2009 10:21 PM
omfg...of all the things they could photoshop....they can't do one for this pic or something...
 Nov 24 2009 03:32 AM
Maybe the Sayumi called the photoshopper fat or something, and he or she added in the cellulite out of revenge.
 Nov 24 2009 03:40 AM
Why do you guys still try to rebuttal Tony K? The man thinks what he thinks and in the 2 years I've been here no one has ever told him otherwise.
 Nov 24 2009 04:15 AM
Well, looking past the legs (which, okay, I think are kind of strange, but I don't really care, one way or another), this is an adorable picture and I envy her hair like I envy almost nothing else.
 Nov 24 2009 04:32 AM
"Rebuttal" is a noun. "Rebut" is the verb ;)

But I agree that anyone who tries to argue with Tony K just doesn't get it and clearly isn't a cool kid like me :3
 Nov 24 2009 04:45 AM
No one is a cool kid like you
 Nov 24 2009 08:20 AM
I'm just hoping it's fast motion and bad lighting that is the cause for Sayu appearing to have some sort of imperfection. I don't follow MM that well, so I don't know if Sayu has lost some weight rapidly, so she could get loose skin like that. Makes me think of some bad tabloid-pictures of Madonna and Victoria Beckham with appendages looking like that. Also seen some drug-addicts with that kind of "muscle-tone". So I'm hoping it's not true... A photoshop or something...

Found the "Victoria Beckham"-image I was thinking about:
 Nov 24 2009 08:42 AM
It IS the photographers fault... not for taking the picture but for publishing it!!
And he/she who took it knows that Sayu's legs are perfect so this must be a conspiracy!!
I think Misono is the one behind this... she can't take Sayu's extreme cuteness in London Hearts!!!
hehehe XD
 Nov 24 2009 01:52 PM
Oh no! Even idols and skinny women have cellulite! This clearly is all the photographers fault!
This must be the funniest thing I've read since the Pocket Morning lunchbox question XD

It's JUST cellulite. Or.. in her case, Sayulite...(I'm sorry XD)
She still looks amazingly cute and her hair is to die for.
 Nov 24 2009 04:52 PM
^ "Sayulite" hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... ROFL... that is the best word since "Yossisexual".
 Nov 24 2009 06:16 PM
^ Really? And here I was waiting to get flamed for that remark... XD
 Nov 24 2009 10:27 PM
lol sayulite
 Nov 25 2009 08:22 PM
"It's a photo in motion, so it's probably just the fat of her legs moving and the lighting of the picture made it look a bit lumpy and shadowy. I've seen a pic like this of every one of the girls. When your body is in motion this is what it looks like. Work it, Sayu!".
Agree. It surprised me a bit too when I saw bruises on the legs of some MM girls (Gaki's are really hard to ignore). To me it just means they're practicing VERY hard in the dance lessons. Which is amazing <3
 Nov 26 2009 10:16 PM
lawl Sayulite