Morning Death
Member Since 13 Mar 2008Offline Last Active Mar 15 2014 12:34 PM
Profile Feed

Morning Death
Goodbye guys. I decided to leave the idol fandom. To all the people who talked to me during my Status Update invasion and monopoly, thanks for sharing some of your time with me, I had some great exchanges. Hopefully we will meet again in some manner.

Tony Oguri
You'll be missed. Hopefully you will be back. All the best in the meanwhile.
Mar 16 2014 05:57 AM -

Morning Death
I am going to leave the Status Updates for a while to let you guys rest from me. :P

Morning Death
[NMB] Keicchi won't stop member harassment even during live performances lol o.O

Morning Death
[SKE48/Jurina Seitansai] Jurina said before the end of her Team S performance that she always receives support (fans push her back) from fans and that she wonders if there is something she can do in return for them and then she said that during the high five after the show she would give a present to fans and she did!
Mar 08 2014 08:16 AM -
Morning Death
Jurina gave fans handmade bracelets!
A show has 300 attendees capacity so she made 300 of those. Fans are impressed by her dedication (provided she didn't get some help). But anyways, great demonstration of appreciation from Jurina. I want one. :(
Mar 08 2014 08:16 AM -
Got to love Jurina, she's always trying to overachieve and do her best. I hope this is her year and she gets even more for her efforts.
Mar 08 2014 07:27 PM

Morning Death
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was very, very good. I am thinking on watching the 2009 version.

Morning Death
[AKB48] Takamina, Yuko and Minegishi went for some recreation time together to a penny arcade during work interval, took some purikura together and Yuko begged Takamina to get her some plushie from a claw crane resulting in what Minegishi describes as seeing for the first time Takamina's most serious eyes:

Morning Death
[HKT48] Moriyasu Madoka does gravure for FRIDAY:
Mar 07 2014 05:06 AM -
Morning Death
[AKB/SKE]Hikari TV to broadcast the past Shounichi Koen of Team K's Saishuu no Bell ga Naru from Feb. 20th next March 8th (Jurina's birthday date)
Woo, great performance in HD incoming! Plus double Jurina goodness in Team S & K!
Mar 07 2014 06:10 AM -
haha, Takamina's face when she's trying to get Yuko that plushie, too good!
Mar 07 2014 07:52 AM

Morning Death
I wonder if Hello!Onliners would treat me with more respect if they knew that I am in truth that guy who hands down bucks of money to random waitresses in that YouTube channel. :(

Maury Tuhis
Now they think you are the dude who gives out tips that look like $10 bills but are actually some Jesus-papers?
Mar 06 2014 11:41 AM -
Morning Death
@Moon: They don't respect me. I send PMs asking for donations for my PayPal account and they ignore me. Talk about rude. @Tuhis: You just reminded me of the fist fight I had with that person over a waitress, he came forward dissing my present for her and handed that thing. I beat the crap out of him and told him: "Let her have something that actually helps." @stany: My bad, should've said: "I wonder if Hello!Onliners BESIDES stany.." :P
Mar 07 2014 01:27 AM

Morning Death
Godzilla, Transformers and Independence Day had three-way sex and made a baby called Pacific Rim.

Morning Death
And that movie name, Pacific Rim, sounds like the title of a soft-core porn video.
Mar 05 2014 05:21 AM -
ok. idk about you but I know there are some young teenagers (possibly even kids?) around H!O.
And a threesome isn't something to post about right here...
But I kinda agree with you about PR.
Mar 05 2014 02:43 PM -
Morning Death
You can't protect them forever iheartsaechan, you can't protect them forever from reality.
Mar 05 2014 10:23 PM

Morning Death
2ch about to declare war on Matome sites where 2ch content is forwarded without permission. :S

No I meant name of actual browsers used. I think one was "Jane" but I forget. Basically I think that it's just Internet Explorer-based, and allows you to search through the forum, and everything is just much more easy to go through.
Mar 04 2014 06:31 PM -
Morning Death
@Krusha: Last time I checked info on this it said that the prohibition was ahead by a wide margin. I just woke up and have been reading all matome updates from the past 12 hours and I have counted 3 sites up until now that have written notices pointing out this development and their action of stopping all 2ch content. I think the prohibition won.
Mar 05 2014 01:48 AM

Morning Death

Morning Death
You pretty much made an English version of the Japanese matome title I just read. lol
Mar 04 2014 12:18 PM

Morning Death
[HKT48/SKE48] Kimoto Kanon is apparently already, so ahead of time, going on preparations for the HKT-infiltration project:

Morning Death
[Follow-up/NMB48] Jo Eriko ameblogged about Koyanagi Arisa who recently wrote comments expressing her opposition to Jo's promotion to Team M.
Jo wrote talking about Arii's concluding activity within the group in the latest photo-meeting and Jo did not address Arii's previous comments, but instead wrote nothing but praising words for the departing Arii.
Mar 03 2014 07:56 AM -
I know NMB48 mgmt isn't great (I was surprised to learn there was STILL 2nd gen KKS) and the girls are frustrated. However, Jo's reactions to the opposition against her promotion is kind of giving mgmt some validation for their decision tbqh.
Mar 03 2014 07:01 PM -
Morning Death
I am not sure I get what you are trying to say about NMB management validation.
Mar 04 2014 06:04 AM