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Charmy Risuzu

Member Since 20 Jul 2006
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Posts I've Made

In Topic: Aiuchi Rina

12 August 2011 - 03:09 AM

I discovered her recently. Sadly, I discovered her too late since she retired last year because of health problems. But she's releasing a new remix album September 28 titled "Forever Songs".


In Topic: Garnet Crow

12 August 2011 - 02:58 AM

Fan here. I discovered them almost a year ago and quickly fell in love with their music. Within 2 months, I bought all of their albums. I'm slowly buying all the singles. I can't wait for the new single "Misty Mystery".


In Topic: MORNING MUSUME at Anime Expo (LA)

06 July 2009 - 09:36 PM

^^^Yeah, now I see it! Ha, I look ridiculous, but it was damn fun to dance. I wonder what Shabondama will look like.

I thought it was cute.:) And the guy in the box made me lol


In Topic: MORNING MUSUME at Anime Expo (LA)

06 July 2009 - 04:48 PM

^ That's Diaz/dragonlady or whatever you want to call her. Let's just say....not too many people were happy with how she power tripped about everything.

she was horrible, i hope they find someone else for future events. when i was around the yossi signing, there was this one guy that was complimenting her and trying to get her autograph. i wanted to ragepuke. <3

Why would someone want to get a staff person's autograph? Crazy, that is. ^_^


In Topic: MORNING MUSUME at Anime Expo (LA)

05 July 2009 - 06:57 PM

I was unable to attend. But I was there in spirit!

My H!P (and MM interest) had been decreasing since the Elder Club graduation, but after reading all the positive experiences (particularly comments about the autograph sessions), I'm liking Morning Musume much more again. :P :(
