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Namie Hikari

what's the point of having a role model if i'm just gonna be put down for it... sorry sayu but it's not worth being torchered.... good night.... so long everyone. i don';t know if i'll come back...
Oct 25 2010 02:54 AM
  • CAiTlin_Beat's Photo
    Don't pay any attention to Bane and you shouldn't have to leave the person who's bullying you is the one who should have to leave.
    Oct 25 2010 12:23 PM
  • Haruna Ogata (Real)'s Photo
    Haruna Ogata (Real)
    I sincerely hope you're not leaving. I recently noticed that guy talking bad about certain idols, but he's attacking you directly - That's just unacceptable! You shouldn't have to leave because someone else is acting like a ~. Please know that you've got pepole here supporting you.
    and Sayu is a great role model. I admire how she's able to persevere through everything that's launched at her, even though she's probably hurt deep inside. She's my r...
    Oct 26 2010 11:28 PM
  • Tiger Yuri's Photo
    Tiger Yuri
    Just report the dude.
    Oct 27 2010 04:02 AM