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Thank you!
Well, I find it hard to keep being interested in something that changes beyond recognition, as I don't take change very well. I'm still getting used to that I guess. H!P still has some amazing groups, like C-ute and Buono. And who knows, maybe there's hope still for Momusu. But I doubt it.
May 20 2010 08:26 AM


You have a really good profile page!
Please don`t think H!P as dead yet, Elders Club members are still around and doing well enough.
Myself i like them most, but younger groups like Buono have got my close attention too. What excellent girl musicians they have playng in their songs! Momoko, Airi and Miyabi + cool rock girls behind them create fantastic total sound.
May 20 2010 12:56 AM


Hi! I know that you don't know me, and I just saw you for first time xD But I saw that today is your birthday 8D Just say yo happy birthday and that I hope that you'll have a nice day ^^ I hope that when I'm 60 years old I'll still liking JMusic like you 8D I admire you for that nwn
Aug 15 2008 12:45 PM