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I've been loosing so much interest in H!P these days lol. Maybe it's because they're barely releasing anything anymore. Where's beyooooonds next single? They were my ultimate group behind MM but now i'm losing interest.
Sep 10 2020 08:27 PM
  • kittykoo5's Photo
    I wish they would at least release digital singles or something. If they're worried about not making 100k then they should be promoting MORE to get more people to know them not disappearing completely.
    Sep 11 2020 09:22 PM
  • chocolatmenthe's Photo
    Look at Sasshi's group, =LOVE, still going strong with release and lives. There possibilities! These are 2020 idols: respecting social distancing when performing with little to no audience. But it's better than nothing happening at all, H!P with just lose steam in the end. I'm with reinayokos, I'm losing interest.
    Sep 13 2020 12:44 AM
  • triquelme483's Photo
    I'm not saying they are will be worried to sell more than 100k or not
    But can affect negative the sells in this situation. I say it too because all the events the girls have when a new single come out. For me, i think they are doing well with everything. I don't think they have to expose the girls... I was see it too many new cases of covid in celebrities.
    This concert of ballads cover was a great idea to deal with the context. Even we can see some girls get more exposure a...
    Sep 13 2020 07:13 PM