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Pukovnik Krv

Member Since 23 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Today, 09:29 AM
New blog: http://lusciousidolicious.blogspot.jp/2015/12/year-in-review-2015.html 2015 Year in Review: I can't think of any witty subtitle this year Updated 31 Dec · 0 comments

About Me

I am Krv. I do many things.

I'm a photographer.
I am a musician, in that I can play several instruments and am in a band.
I am an occasional writer.
I read too many books, I read too many manga, I listen to too much music, watch too many anime and dramas, and other stuff.

Some stuff you may (or may not) find interesting:

My deviantart account has some examples of my photography.
My bandcamp has some songs and stuff. My soundcloud has some more songs.
My Last.fm shows the silly music I listen to.

H!P Rank as of 14th December 2012:
1. 鈴木愛理 165p
2. 石田亜佑美 162p
3. 鈴木香音 159p
4. 譜久村聖 156p
5. 工藤遥 153p
6. 矢島舞美 150p
7. 夏焼雅 147p
8. 飯窪春菜 144p
9. 道重さゆみ 141p
10. 鞘師里保 138p
11. 岡井千聖 135p
12. 森咲樹 132p
13. 嗣永桃子 129p
14. 熊井友理奈 126p
15. 萩原舞 121p
16. 吉川友 121p
17. 中島早貴 117p
18. 田中れいな 114p
19. 須藤茉麻 111p
20. 北原沙弥香 108p
21. 田邉奈菜美 105p
22. 生田衣梨奈 100p
23. 福田花音 100p
24. 宮本佳林 96p
25. 清水佐紀 93p
26. 徳永千奈美 90p
27. 佐藤優樹 85p
28. 岡村里星 85p
29. 田村芽実 81p
30. 菅谷梨沙子 68p
31. 仙石みなみ 68p
32. 佐藤綾乃 68p
33. 吉橋くるみ 68p
34. 山岸理子 68p
35. 野村みな美 68p
36. 竹内朱莉 58p
37. 関根梓 58p
38. 金子りえ 52p
39. 田口夏実 52p
40. 中西香菜 36p
41. 光井愛佳 36p
42. 佐保明梨 36p
43. 新井愛瞳 36p
44. 浜浦彩乃 36p
45. 小数賀芙由香 36p
46. 宮崎梨緒 36p
47. 古川小夏 21p
48. 高木紗友希 21p
49. 大塚愛菜 21p
50. 室田瑞希 21p
51. 勝田里奈 11p
52. 小川麗奈 11p
53. 植村あかり 11p
54. 真野恵里菜 4p
55. 和田彩花 4p
56. 小田さくら 0p

AKB Rank

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  • Group Senpai
  • Active Posts 724
  • Profile Views 14801
  • Member Title Krv fae Vastafel
  • Age 35 years old
  • Birthday October 29, 1988
  • Gender
    Male Male
  • Location
  • Interests
    Interesting things.

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