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Mano Erina,
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Uploaded on 08-August 12
By Loredana
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Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Mano Erina 

 Aug 14 2012 08:00 PM
Mano is such a striking Idol. I'm sure no other Idol can make the impact she has made on me. I always thought Idols were just fun entertainers, mere cash-cows, but Mano, an idol, is so charismatic, passionate and talented to watch. I'm a fan of an Idol and her name is Mano Erina, not ashamed of it. I watch her PV's regularly, listen to her music, collect her releases even to the point of screwing my budget. I try my best to collect her shirts and pic sets. I never knew I would ever get like this for an Idol, a female across the globe but I did and not saddened one bit. oh yeah, she's graduating, damn it!
Comment: #1155
PS: this is not a confessional but more of a high-spirited declaration of my Mano fandom.