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Hello!Online Poll
Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
  Rio Kitagawa
  Homare Okamura
  Mei Yamazaki
  I luv them all
 Submitted by: Mattthecat
Total Votes: 214    Comments: (2)
User Comments
 2008-08-26 12:36
All Good Things may come to an End... but... The whole MoMusu thing is just TOO good to end like this :p ... My opinion....
 2008-08-26 13:55
The problem of MM is that they're lacking of a clear and unique position in the business, especially when members of Cute and Berryz are growing up. Also, when people talk of 'Morning Musume', most of time it's those ex-members come into our mind. They may be try to rebuild the image (the sudden disappearance of all ex-members after Harmoni) but...

yeah.. all good thing may come to an end...
 2008-08-26 18:31
Hmmm... good point... Well, let's just wait and see... It's just that.. the whole thing is Sad... But True... (couldn't resist :P)
 2008-08-29 13:22
In my opinion, they should bring back Hello!Morning when they did it with all Morning Musume members participating, it was more fun seeing that and made me laugh.
 2008-08-29 17:30
I wonder to what extent AKB 0ji 59fun! took away some ex-Hello! Morning viewers and contributed to this. After all, AKB 0ji 59fun! is certainly a lot more like the old Hello! Morning than Haromoni ever was.
 2008-09-01 03:41
i'm really sad to hear this news
 2008-09-02 10:32
Aw really? This makes me blue to see their show get cancelled I know like less than 1% is like 170k of the population. I mean sure many of the elder members are gone and they're trying to cooperate with that by making the best of every show and concert to satisfy japan and the world. I mean they give it like 120% when they're on stage! I wish people cared more and gave them a chance you know. One thing i highly doubt tsunku will do is international concerts throught out the world. too expensive...and only 15% of people from other countries probably know who morning musume is. If anything Tsunku has to lay something that will grab the attention of japanese people especially the young viewers (They usually try to find influence within Media as with people) Connecting music with younger teens could be good yet bad. remember what happened with fans from x japan after that controversy with one of their members? by al l do respects i do listen to Xjapan and really enjoy their work.
 2008-09-03 19:13
This is just sick! I loved that show! Surely, SURELY, they are getting some other kind of show. Anything else is just unimaginable.
 2008-09-04 23:28
"what are we going to do without haromoni?"

Watch AKB 0ji 59fun instead.
 2008-09-06 03:02
^No chance in hell i`m gonna replace MM with akb48
I might just watch over every H!M ep from start till end.at least that can remind me of the good times... -_-
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