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Hello!Online Poll
Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
  Rio Kitagawa
  Homare Okamura
  Mei Yamazaki
  I luv them all
 Submitted by: Mattthecat
Total Votes: 214    Comments: (2)
User Comments
 2008-11-18 16:54
Reina is right some nice meat would be good
 2008-11-18 16:54
ahhhh reina chan.. really??? i love ice cream too jun jun! *>0<*
 2008-11-18 16:55
I love how this took some serious consideration on Sayu's part. A delicacy! Smart choice. XD
 2008-11-18 16:56
the question makes me hungry @_@ i want cake too ai-chan
keeki ga daisuki yo
 2008-11-18 17:01
would choose otoro any day of the week! love how it melts in your mouth :D~~~
 2008-11-18 17:18
i love how junjun answers are so straight forward.
 2008-11-18 17:26
"After thinking thoroughly..." omg Sayu you crack me up XD
 2008-11-18 17:28
Meat!!! I think Reina would be in heaven if she goes to Fogo de Chao XD
 2008-11-18 17:28
haha lots of sweets huh? of course :P and there's reina with meat. ^_^
 2008-11-18 17:33
EEeeeeh no one talks about Linlin's bizarre answer? xDDD

seriously.. seafood and fruit xD lol just imagining the contrast between the two just makes me smile in awkward interest.

Reina, knows her meat <333
 LOVEMomusu :)
 2008-11-18 18:03
hungry hungry! xD
 2008-11-18 18:33
eri's answer. gummi's . eww!! i like gummi's but all i could eat? i'll pass. now sayu has the right idea. nigiri sushi is awesome!!
 2008-11-18 18:51
I really thought Linlin would sound crepes. Shocking....
 2008-11-18 21:29
An other food question *yawn*
 ℃ ℃ ℃
 2008-11-18 21:37
JunJun and her ice cream...
 2008-11-18 21:38
Meat, fat, and sweets?? Reina... I wish I have half of your metabolism.

Heck, I wish I have *any* of their metabolism...
 burnt glitter
 2008-11-18 21:39
Another boring question...
 2008-11-18 21:42
I am with Sayumi on this one...ootoro and nigiri-sushi...
 Sarah Reyl
 2008-11-18 21:51
Did Junjun grow out of her banana phase?
 2008-11-18 22:10
All you can eat gummis? ughh...my teeth hurt just thinking about it.
I bet Eri's dentist would be happy to hear this.
 2008-11-18 23:19
^^ sayu's answer is a good one~ haha the most expensive all you can eat XD
 2008-11-18 23:25
Junjun <3 Ice cream would have been my answer too ^^;
 2008-11-18 23:32
No dried plums for Koharu?
 2008-11-19 00:02
...Another food question... T_T

Eri/Koharu - No umeboshi!?
Junjun - NO BANANAS?!

Sayu wins, simply because nigiri sushi is good... Though I've never had ootoro... Hm.
 2008-11-19 00:11
reina can definitely beat me in an all eating meat contest.........Ill probably eat only like 2 and a half burger and then gets full ........dam Im so skinny :P
 2008-11-19 00:28
for a girl who wants to be skinny Reina sure likes to eat the fats
 andy desu
 2008-11-19 01:03
I can remember れいな said tht she loves meat!!!... Sayu's answer is fantastic as always!!!... I like 大トロ too!!!!... n' once again, Lin Lin got me with her answer "fruit n' sea food"!!!... if 新垣 create her own like she make もんじゃ焼き 新垣special... so will b wonderful!!!!... カメ... 可愛い!!!... I just love カメ!!!
 2008-11-19 01:37
LinLin, Koha, and Aika actually gave fairly healthy answers, and Sayu, too. I probably shouldn't say anything, because I tend to be a sugar addict, but the rest of them should probably take a remedial nutrition class. And Reina's answer was just plain scary -- watch it girl, because a high-fat meat + sugar diet could eventually catch up with you in a lot of ways...
 Fickle Monkey
 2008-11-19 01:55
When I read what the question was, it - for some odd reason - shocked me. Maybe it's 'cos I'm used to all the other interesting questions they've asked in the weeks before... XD

Ai: Such an adorable one-word answer. I love cake too, though I thought she was going to answer strawberries, since she seems to like 'em a lot. Still, her answer's adorable. <3 <3

Mitsui: Aw, she really puts a lot of thoughts into her answers! I'm not surprised that she answered berries, 'cos the members have mentioned of her liking for berries.
 2008-11-19 02:30
all great answers! I couldn't agree more!
I'll see you all at the snack bar! >:D
 2008-11-19 03:05
All you can eat gummis...? That might work out well. Although, imagine all the trouble of getting the gummi out of your teeth.
 2008-11-19 04:44
another food question...this people only thinks in eat ?
 2008-11-19 10:36
lol nice questions and nice answers hehe ^^
woot! and Reina's answer was nice~~ ^_^
 2008-11-19 13:58
ah~ Reina is as always great f***ing meateater~ -_-
 legatoh blusummers
 2008-11-19 16:15
haha... as usual.. the meat by tanakachi.... ~^_^~
 2008-11-19 22:10
SHOCK!! junjun isn't addicted to bananas anymore??! noooooooo. anyways, got to love her straight-forward answers! XD
 2008-11-19 22:34
I think Reina's answer is a bit revised. I don't feel sure enough that that's her answer.
 2008-11-20 02:53
i agree with Linlin, seafood is the best to eat in all can eat buffets. although i do love ice-cream and cakes mmm...i want to go to Buffet now. i want curry potatos.
 2008-11-20 13:25
i agree with sayu. only.
 2008-11-20 15:29
lol. As I read Chun's answer, I thought (for a split second) that she had said "Ice" again.
 2008-11-22 23:52
hmmmm great answer hmmm eri gummi no to much dentist haha hmmm reina meat of course otoro lovely yum junjun ice creeam hmmm cool hmm i ant some haha
 2008-11-24 09:36
I agree with Reina's answers.
Meat and sweets FTW!
 2009-04-06 19:34
I would love seafood, but also various sweets and probably protein bars, to have them after doing some work out.
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