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Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
  Rio Kitagawa
  Homare Okamura
  Mei Yamazaki
  I luv them all
 Submitted by: Mattthecat
Total Votes: 214    Comments: (2)
User Comments
 2008-04-27 17:27
Wahh! You look great enough Aibon! Good luck on ur diet ^_^
hehe, she even got Winona Ryder's number. =P

thanks for translating!
 2008-04-27 17:28
Yeah, we noticed you were a little chubby as Aibon... XD

Good luck Kago-chan! Glad you're getting more confident now! GANBATTE
 2008-04-27 17:52
Aww, she doesn't think she's that pretty?
I think all of her fans would disagree. XDDD
 2008-04-27 17:54
Haha, she called herself a health-wota.
It's okay to be chubby Aibon! You were cute chubby! Not that you arent cute now of course!
 2008-04-27 18:10
A health wota! Aibon will be a great mom =D
 2008-04-27 18:15
yes even if she's back to be chubby she's always goin to be cute and beautiful, what it is important is to be healthy and be happy.
 2008-04-27 18:22
I second what Winona Ryder said about Aibon. :D
 2008-04-27 18:45
as long as she doesn't imitate Winona with the shoplifting, arrests and strange artsy movies that doesn't push her into lucrative 20 million dollar acting jobs...
 2008-04-27 18:54
I'm so glad that Aibon is doing well. I've really missed hearing about her after her suspension and such.
 2008-04-27 19:08
Kago is very pretty! What on Earth makes her think she isn't? I also hope she avoids anorexia. If she diets, has complexes and doesn't even realize that she is good-looking, she could fall for the fashion industry's lies.

In truth, fashion designers want skinny women because it is easier to mass-produce clothing for people with "straight line" figures. Chubbiness is preferable in women both aesthetically and from the perspective of straight guys (and I am one).
 2008-04-27 19:44
I don't care if you're chubby or not Aibon, we'll still love you nonetheless. Aibon is Aibon. <3 And I'm glad she had fun and tons of support when she was in L.A. (^^)
 2008-04-27 20:02
I agree with you guys, Aibon was NEVER too chubby.
 2008-04-27 20:33
Yay, I love hearing about her LA stories and it's so cute about guys liking slightly chubby girls. I think this is really true too! If you're a stick, they have nothing to hold onto~
 Cotton Cloth
 2008-04-27 21:17
Her blog entries are so much more interesting that Maki's. If you had asked me 3 months ago who was the more interesting/cleverer of the two, I'd have said Goto, but now it seems clear to me that Aibon is not just funny, but smart and likable too!

 2008-04-27 21:26
The pic of her wearing the mask is priceless!
 2008-04-27 21:29
Add Wynona Rider to the list of people lucky enough to have met Ai Kago.
 2008-04-27 21:38
Wow! She's lost 13kg from her peak weight?
 2008-04-27 21:55
It's great that she lost weight and all, but I thought she was very cute and healthy looking back when she was 'chubby'. Aibon you're beautiful just the way you are. ^-^b
 2008-04-27 22:37
Shes so pretty! And cute, shes adorable and i really like her fashion atm! Its cool, very chic :D. I hope she doesn't go any thinner though. She looks good as she is! Aww aibon <3 love her!
 2008-04-27 22:38
P.S how does she eat tofu.. i tried it the other week.. it tastes of nothing. euurgh lol! Like cardboard.
 ★Shining Star★
 2008-04-27 22:55
Totaly agree with Cotton Cloth, it's better than Maki's. She also updates more often.
If only all entry's where public and this FC membership where open for foreiners to.
I want to join it, I didn't give up yet. I think now we finaly see "meet" the real Kago, I'm soo happy about this. Afterall I'm happy it turned out like this, she's not acting her UFA role anymore, and sais whats in her mind. Keep it up.
 2008-04-27 23:15
hahahaha, Ai you're such a cute girl!!! and yeah, you need to be more confident!!!
About the blog's, Well, Maki and Ai has different personalities, both of them are out of H!P for differents reasons, and they started their blogs in differents situations... To me, both blogs are prety good
 ℃ ℃ ℃
 2008-04-27 23:26
"I know I'm not that pretty, and I don't have anything to boast about"

LIES. I don't know of a time when Aibon wasn't cute as ######.
 2008-04-27 23:46
aibon and maki are very different and that's what made morning musume great in the time that they were there!

chubbiness ain't a bad thing... appearances are only partial manifestations of the self, aibon!

i wish i was wynona so i could have met aibon.
 2008-04-27 23:50
Yeah really, I'm jealous of everyone who has ever met Aibon.
 2008-04-28 00:12
"chubbiness ain't a bad thing... appearances are only partial manifestations of the self, aibon!"

They are, and what is more, chubbiness looks good! Hitomi Saito has the ideal figure, IMO, and she certainly hasn't starved herself.
 2008-04-28 00:14
It's no wonder that Aibon thought she was chubby, there were many people who made such negative comments on blogs and through video comments, I didn't think that Ai-Chan was ever chubby just healthy looking.

I can never say Thank you enough for translating Aibons blog. I only wish her members only content was accessible ,Thanks again.
 2008-04-28 00:16
Wow She met Winona Ryder. I like that actress as well. Another fallen angel.
This is so great. XD
 2008-04-28 01:02
"So, they're not complexes, it's my personality ☆"
I love that statement :-)
 2008-04-28 02:19
Oh come on, comparing who has the better blog? They're both very different and interesting to read. Kago was exiled for basically 2 years and has a lot to write about regarding her feelings and who she is. Maki wasn't. She just had to cool off from too much stress and had a vacation. :p
 The Great Cornholio
 2008-04-28 02:22
It's weird reading about a celebrity being star struck when meeting another celebrity. You would think that wouldn't happen, but I guess it does.
 2008-04-28 02:33
Ooo she met Winona Ryder! One of my fave actresses <3 Aibon was cute when chubby and is still is. Actually she's way pretty now! Im envious of the FC members.. ><
 2008-04-28 04:16
that was cool!
she met winona ryder!.
she's cooL!(aibon)
 2008-04-28 05:21
@jazu - tofu plain *does* taste like nothing. but you're not supposed to eat it plain (unless you're weird like me)! if you season it well and cook it right, it's bomb ^_^

anyway damn apparently LA is the place to be lately. I can't decide if I'm more jealous of Kago for getting to meet Winona Ryder or of Winona Ryder for getting to meet Kago XD (probably the latter) Imagining the two of them hanging out together is just priceless.

and LMAO @ "health-wota". Though I too hope she doesn't let the diet go too far. I'm with everyone who says that girls are cuter if they're chubbier (not that I'm a straight guy, but I'm a gay girl, so close enough eh? :p)

I'm loving all these blog entries. Thanks for the translations, guys! <3
 Boota Pouncer
 2008-04-28 08:01
I deinfitley look forward to her blog every time I come on here hoping she updated. I bet if her blog was open for overseas fans to join it would be swarmed with comments.
 2008-04-28 09:16
Puffy Love said:
"Add Wynona Rider to the list of people lucky enough to have met Ai Kago."

LOL.. I get what you're saying... Wynona doesn't know how lucky she is to have met Kago XD
 2008-04-28 11:40
i think the number she gave her was fake
 2008-04-28 17:45
AI CHAN ^^ You are nice very and joyful girl ^^ . Intention beguile talent devote you draw :) . I like these girls which :) . Sorry my English ^^'
 2008-04-28 19:50
Kago hanging out with Winona Ryder eh.
Intriguing stuff.
 2008-04-29 00:23
I agree with Rider. I have never seen a girl cuter than aibon and I don't think I ever will.
 Fickle Monkey
 2008-04-29 00:31
Winona, I totally agree with you :D
 2008-04-29 02:06
She met Winona, that's cool for her to meet someone she admires.

I just found out yesterday Ai was making her comeback. I'm so happy we can hear from her again! Loveee herrr stilll. I agree, she needs to be more confident, she is pretty. And I liked her at like 17 or 16 when she was a bit chubby (in Mini Moni was was pretty chubby though XP).

Aibon is so cute, it's kind of weird hearing Aibon's personal life lol (a good weird. Like finally we can know the real Ai)
 2008-04-29 15:53
I wonder if she e-mailed maki
 2008-04-30 03:01
I love her. She is adorable. I'm so glad to be able to read about her again, finally ^___^ .
 2008-05-02 20:26
She looks so cute with the mask!!
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