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Entertainment activities of Hikaru Koyama, ex-Hinoi Team

Posted by mountainoluv, 10 March 2017 · 2785 views

Hikaru Koyama Hinoi Team Castle of the Beast All In Entertainment prison film movie Make Win Bar Make W In Bar Yuka Kuramochi
Entertainment activities of Hikaru Koyama, ex-Hinoi Team This post will be about the recent entertainment activities of Hikaru Koyama, ex-Hinoi Team.

She is still working as a presenter for Houdou Kyoku, a news show aired by Fuji Television Network. They usually cover military topics. The show consists of Hikaru and two older, goofy-looking guys. They have a guest on each episode.

Last fall, Hikaru was in a stage play. It was called either “Make Win Bar” or “Make W In Bar.” (It was hard to tell due to the graphics they used.) They had a cast of ~15 young people. It looked like they had a good time putting on the play. While she was doing the play, they had a substitute presenter take her place on Houdou Kyoku. The substitute was a really pretty girl. I was concerned that Hikaru was going to give up a steady gig for something temporary. Anyway, when the stage play was done, Hikaru was back on the TV show. It worked out OK for her.

The other day, Hikaru tweeted a link for a movie trailer. The movie was “Castle of the Beast (Cougar) – Girls’ Prison” from All In Entertainment. The photo at left is a still from the movie. Hikaru is the one with her foot sticking through the bars. The movie will be released in April, 2017. Following is the plot, from the website of the movie, via an automatic translator.

“Japan 202X in the Tokyo Olympic Games after the great depression and worsening security offenders has increased sharply. Prison privatization and death penalty abolition, the thugs made sentenced to life in prison.

ACE detective (Yuka Kuramochi) was arrested as a terrorist blew up a nuclear power plant, is sentenced to life in prison, one day, Rio was transferred to another prison. The prisoners there were gathered just a well-known thug was picked up by the Secretary General of former teen idol and former professional wrestler, ladies, pranksters and all news...

The prison was a place called the castle of the beast (Cougar). Can't get out alive. Unable to escape, survival 0%.”

I watched the trailer, which was 1 minute long. It looks like a ‘girls exploitation film.’ There is a lot of violence among the girls, who are in prison. In one scene, about 12 girls are playing musical chairs while blindfolded. When they stop to find a chair, one girl falls to the floor, bleeding from the mouth. There is a close-up of the chair, and there is a bloody dagger sticking through the back of the chair. In the next scene, the girls are sitting around in a circle. One girl has a grenade (somehow). She runs behind another girl and places the grenade behind where the girl is sitting. It shows the second girl’s face, and then BANG! There is a huge explosion and the girl disappears. In the next scene, the prison guards are making four girls jump rope. When one girl touches the rope with her feet, there is a big shock and she falls to the ground. It turns out the rope was a live electric wire. You get the idea.

While it is definitely not high art, it seems like a funny/fun movie. Hikaru Koyama is the sixth billed performer. I am so glad that she got a movie role, and I wish her the best in her entertainment career.

What is her connection to Disney? I see she's there all the time. She's also good friends with Captain and Erika Umeda, they all went to high school together. I follow Hikaru on Instagram
That's a good question. I also noticed she is at Disneyland Tokyo all the time. I'm not sure if she has a contract with them or not. I was under the impression that she just likes Disney. Maybe she has an annual pass.

Thanks for that info about Hikaru, Saki Shimizu, Erika Umeda. I think Hikaru is very good looking and she has lots of good looking friends.

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