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Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
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  Yaguchi Mari Official Blog: Translations 2008.12.13 - 2008.12.19  
  Hello!Project Written by B.Slade & Kuno , updated: 21:53, 19-Dec 2008  

_2008-12-13 07:02:15


It finally got light out...

This is Yaguchi, who's max tired...

I'm really not good with early mornings...

I can see the Fuji TV building from the Rainbow Bridge...

With the blurry photo, it looks a bit like a UFO ☆

Maybe not...


Heh heh heh...

_2008-12-13 10:06:27

Curling, curling, curling

I'm getting my hair really curled...

Nothing but curling, curling, curling... curling, curling, curling...

You're doing a good job, makeup woman!

Curling, curling, curling...

Curling, curling.

Curling, curling, curling, curling.

Curling, curling, curling...

I want keema curry ☆

[Note: This is a (weak) pun: curling = makimaki, keema = kima (maki, backwards).]


m(_ _)m

_2008-12-13 13:47:05

Wow ☆

Right now, I'm working on the musical part of Kakushi Gei ☆

The Queen of Blogs, Shokotan is here with me ♪

She's so cute ♪

Okay, am I going to have time for the dinner show...

Am I...

_2008-12-13 18:28:06

There was time ☆

I had to leave Kakushi Gei before everything was finished...

Now I'm getting ready for my dinner show!

ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛

All right!

Time to switch my mind over to a new mode ☆

Singing time♪

Christmas songs ☆

_2008-12-13 22:27:27

The night isn't over yet...

I look like I've lost all my spirit, don't I...

Even I can get tired sometimes... (-.-; )

But this dinner show was fun ☆

I gave it everything I had ☆

And the night isn't over yet, because I have to go back to Fuji TV!

More Kakushi Gei work ☆

Your comments make me feel better, and I'll use that to get through this!

_2008-12-14 04:23:19

Done ☆

Thank you so much for all your kind comments!

Yaguchi Mari's long day is now over ☆



But... I'm pretty weak to be getting tired now!

The staff at Kakushi Gei were working ten times harder than me!

They're a really great team that really took care of us ☆

Thank you very much!

This photo shows me thinking about that while I was waiting for my taxi ☆

Everybody, be sure to watch Kakushi Gei on New Year's Day ☆

The studio part will be live!

I'm excited!

Good night ☆

_2008-12-14 13:16:17


How are you doing?

I'm good ☆

It's scary the way I've been able to have so much energy with so little sleep lately...

Now I'm getting my makeup done with Kei-chan!


We're going on stage this afternoon ☆

Thanks for coming out in this rain!

If you're energetic, you can do anything!

Let's go!

1, 2, 3...


_2008-12-14 17:24:28

It's already evening...

That was a fast day ☆

The first dinner show is already over!

It was a dinner show in the afternoon ☆


Heh heh...

But I sung a lot ♪

I'm always happy when I sing ☆

I thought I was going to cry... ☆

I don't get a lot of chances to sing, so I really want to value the chances I do get ☆

By the way, I like going to karaoke a lot too ☆

My specialty is anime songs!

Okay, time to prepare for the second show ♪

_2008-12-14 22:04:15

Heh heh...

Kei-chan and me ☆

Today was a big success ☆

The two dinner shows were really fun ♪♪♪

Now I'm really excited for some reason ♪


I once did a 24-hour karaoke session with friends, and I feel the same way now as I did back then...


(-.-; )

It feels like I'm wide open...


Anyway, I just wanted to say that!

I want a beer ☆

( ̄∀ ̄)

_2008-12-15 11:34:54

Good morning ♪

Ah... I slept under the kotatsu until five in the morning...

My throat is dry and sore, and I don't feel rested at all...

That really isn't a good idea...

Just five minutes!

That's what I thought at first.

Just fifteen minutes!

That's what it turned into.

It just kept going up and up, until I finally fell dead asleep and didn't wake up until the next morning...


I regret it...

But the kotatsu...

The kotatsu...

I love it!!!


Okay, time to work hard again ☆

_2008-12-15 14:02:50


Heh heh... I got more...

Lip concealer...

I only had the one of them...

But then there was a second one in my makeup pouch...

Both of them have been used...

Wh... Wh... Why?

It's strange...

Actually, my makeup artist has the same kind, so I thought that maybe hers got mixed up with my bag. But I asked her, and she had her own...

So it really is just a mystery...

(-.-; )

Mysteriously appearing lip concealer...

If anybody's lost theirs, please let me know ☆

_2008-12-15 18:03:58

With a cool guy ☆

Today, I'm on "Kyoukasho Quiz" with Kano Eiko!

These primary school questions are hard.


Actually, Kano was the first one who told me about how good Ameba is!


I'll make my comeback in the second half!


_2008-12-15 19:43:42


I used my head too much, and I think I'm getting a fever...

It's winter, but I'm hot...

I had some chocolate to raise my blood sugar level!

I'll do my best for the final part of "Kyoukasho Quiz" ☆

But my throat is really sore...

I don't think it's a teething fever...

No, it can't be...

No, it can't be...

No, it can't be...

I need a hint...

_2008-12-15 23:22:03

Me and Shige-san ☆

The miracle on today's show was really Michishige Sayumi from Morning Musume!

There was a lot of Hello Project there ☆

She's amazing!

I want to be smart too!


I want to be the one who can answer everything someday!

(-.-; )


I'm not confident...

It's on the air January 3

At 18:30.

On Nihon TV.

It's "Shougakkou Kyoukasho Quiz"

_2008-12-16 00:09:21

Good work, everybody!

The final shoot is over ☆


I'm hungry...

I had to wear three different outfits today!

It's okay!


Your throat will be fine (^O^)

It'll be fine...

It'll be fine...

It'll be fine...

Everybody, be careful you don't catch a cold ☆

_2008-12-16 11:38:06

Ah! ☆

Who is this...

The room was so bright, the light makes me look like a different person...

(^ _ ^; )

Wake up!

It's cold outside of my blanket, so I can't get out...

Plus, I'm naked...

I just need to be brave...

Gather myself...



It's cold {{(>_<; )}}


And Yaguchi is back under her blanket ☆

Well done ☆

Well done ☆

_2008-12-16 14:41:52

Lunchtime ☆

I love tsukemen ramen ☆

You have to have it with boiled egg on top!

The hot soup and warm noodles were so yummy!

I ate too much...

Okay, what will I eat tonight?


Hooray for gluttons!

_2008-12-16 18:34:58

Time off ☆

I had the day off today, so I just hung around, taking it easy ☆

Here's the Christmas tree in my room ☆


It's so bright!

I bought it at Home Centre the other day ☆

Going there dressed up sharply, the old men and women there saw a rare creature!

(^ _ ^; )

Well, maybe not such a rare creature ☆

But Home Centre was fun!

I could became a regular there...


_2008-12-16 20:03:52


I bought more hats!

I think I wear hats all winter long ☆

( ̄○ ̄; )

They always have so many cute hats at CA4LA that I never know which to buy!

I got two of them today ☆

I'll wear them when I'm on TV ☆


Look forward to that!

And it looks like my cold is okay!

Sorry to worry you...

m(_ _)m

My sniffling...

My coughing...

It must have been my imagination (lol)


_2008-12-17 11:20:58

The rain...

I don't cope well with the rain...

It's because I get flustered...

I worked hard to iron my hair straight this morning, but after being out in the rain, it curls up...

After all that hard work in the morning, it makes me want to scream...

Ah... It looks like it's going to rain all day...

Make it stop!

Weather Bomb!

_2008-12-17 12:57:06

Where's Yaguchi 3

This is sudden, but...

We're at rehearsal for the New Year's Hello Project concert ♪

Yaguchi is somewhere on the rehearsal stage!

So, where is she?

Difficulty rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆

_2008-12-17 15:44:54

Before I give you the answer...

From right to left, it's Ishikawa Rikacchi ☆

Yaguchi Marippe ☆

Yoshizawa Hitomin ☆

Ogawa Makocchan ☆

Yasuda Kemechan ☆

We're all doing sit-ups!

Rehearsing with everyone is fun ♪


Really... I love them all ☆☆☆

( ̄∀ ̄)

We all fool around, but when rehearsal starts, we get serious!


Just 100 sit-ups to go!













(°□°; )


Good workout everybody!

Sorry for being no good...

m(_ _)m

_2008-12-17 20:01:48

The Where's Yaguchi answer...

The one curled up on the left side of the upper stage was me!

I was trying to look like a speaker, but my light hair gave me away...

But it looks like this one was pretty difficult for you all, huh?


It the picture was too small for you to see, please check it out on a computer ☆

V(^ - ^)V

By the way, this photo is of a Wall-E sticker ☆

Have you seen Wall-E?

It was really great ☆

It was so cute and well made, it really touched me and made me happy!

I really recommend it ♪

_2008-12-17 23:02:07

Too funny ☆

I watched Red Carpet!

Wow, that was funny ☆

I'm really into [comedy duo] Hibiki these days!

Anyway, I laughed so much that my face is sore...

I'm a big Red Carpet fan ☆

_2008-12-18 10:14:22


Good morning ☆

I'm going to work now!

I'll be Santa Yaguchi again today ☆

I'll post more later.


_2008-12-18 13:34:14

Santa Yaguchi ☆

You've discovered a girl in the dressing room absorbed in a PS3 game!

And she's dressed like Santa...

Well, it was set up in the dressing room ☆

( ̄∀ ̄)

And I am a gamer, so I tried it right away...

The game I played was this one!

Little Big Planet ☆

It's so cute!

It makes me feel good...

I'm here at an event for this game as the representative "Little" celebrity ☆

I'm glad I was born tiny ☆

And the representative "Big" celebrity is, of course...

Choi Hong-man ☆

He's 73cm taller than me!

This is a record height difference of anybody I've ever met!


He was so big ☆

The two of us held a Christmas tree lighting ceremony ☆

It felt so Christmasy ☆

I'm so happy ☆

Everybody, please play Little Big Planet ☆

_2008-12-18 17:50:42

Dumpling ☆

I'm wearing a big pink pompom!

I'm on a break now...

My nose is really blocked.

When I try to say "ma mi mu me mo"

It comes out more like...

"ba bi bu be bo"

Oh no ☆

I have to talk clearly!

( ̄○ ̄; )

_2008-12-18 20:25:24

Me and Audrey ♪

The other day I was at a shoot for a show called "Gold House", and I was talking with [comedy duo] Audrey about blogging ☆


This photo looks a bit unbalanced, huh?

(^ _ ^; )

There's too big a height difference between me and Kasuga...

Kasuga was a bit of a dangerous guy...


Apparently he once came to our concert carrying a fan with me on it!

After Kasuga's enthusiastic pushing...

I make a certain promise...!

I promised that if Audrey's blog reaches number one on the overall ranking, I'd go on a date with Kasuga...

Oh no!

What should I do...

_2008-12-18 23:18:17

Writing, writing...

I'm writing something at home!

For the fanclub, and other things.


My handwriting and drawing isn't very good, but I'm doing my best...

And so my night came to an end... ☆

Good night everybody ☆

_2008-12-19 13:05:05

Good morning (^ - ^*)/

This breeze feels nice...

I love this time of year ☆

It can feel a little sad, but I like that too ♪

All right, I've got my first Ameba Studio appearance today, so I'm pretty nervous!


In the past, I hosted "All Night Nippon Super" and "Anata ga Iru kara Yaguchi Mari" for about four years...

As it went on, I get used to it.

...But now it feels like I'm starting over from scratch, and that's getting me seriously scared!

(°□°; )


I'll do my best!

Everyone who comes out to watch, please be gentle!

m(_ _)m

Okay, time to go!

"Have a good time..."

_2008-12-19 17:25:12


I'm at NHK right now to record a show!

Turning my head right around, I'm totally exhausted...

We're talking about adult matters!


I'm almost 26 now...

I'm really touched!

I'm going to try to be an intellectual celebrity!

Oh ( ̄□ ̄; )!

An intellectual idol, that is ☆

It's all on NHK Educational's "ETV50 Educational TV Counterattack, Revived Master Words"

Tuesday, January 6 from 21:00 to 23:00!

_2008-12-19 18:51:05

I've arrived ♪

I've just arrived at Ameba Studio!

I'm in the dressing room!

Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump... (the sound of my heart)

It starts at 7:00 ☆

( ̄∀ ̄)

Let's rock!

Yeah ☆

Yeah ☆


_2008-12-19 19:53:30

"Today I had my first Ameba Studio appearance. Well, I was pretty flustered. It's been a long time since I've had to talk by myself for 30 minutes like this, so I was really nervous. But having a live appearance like this was really fun. I think I'd like to do it again if I can, so please watch for that."

_2008-12-19 20:03:33

Finished at Ameba Studio ☆

Wow, I was really nervous...

( ̄○ ̄; )

Thank you to everybody who came out to watch in the cold!

Please don't catch a cold!

It was really fun watching the chat from there!

Thank you very much ☆

I feel like I could make a habit out of this ☆

( ̄∀ ̄)

I think I'll be back if the chance comes up again ♪

I took this photo in the middle of the show ☆

Having people see me taking a photo like that...

(°□°; )

That was embarrassing...

So anyway, it's time to go to my next stage ☆

To be continued... ☆


_2008-12-19 20:47:39

Karaoke ♪

I'm working ♪

(^ _ ^; )

I'm not just playing around here!

I got to be with Keme-chan again, but it was just a quick job, and we left almost right away ☆

I got to sing ♪

Please watch "Do Re Mi Fa Don" on January 4 to find out what happened ♪♪♪


_2008-12-19 23:50:16

Year End Party ☆

Today, to thank everybody...

The management team...

The makeup team...

The stylist team...

We had a "thank you for the year" party ☆


With warm vegetables (*^o^*)

Everybody wants to go ♪

I found out how to enjoy good food ☆

That made me happy ♪♪♪

It was great ☆

Thanks to all of them, this was a very satisfying year!

Thank you all so much ☆

I look forward to working with you next year ☆

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