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Sugaya Risako,

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Uploaded on 23-October 09
By ultrasurf
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 Oct 23 2009 10:04 AM
Naturall, beautiful girl..but wrong pose..
 Oct 23 2009 12:18 PM
Pose looks right from here
 Oct 23 2009 12:40 PM
Risako Sugaya is no longer annoying.

She is SCARY.
 Oct 23 2009 12:45 PM
I just think it's a bit too offensive..in a sexual way, you know.
But it's totally not her fault. She is great in my opinion.
 Oct 23 2009 12:47 PM
ok not to be rude...but expecting this kind of pose from Kago but not her...but o well kids grew up so fast :}
 Oct 23 2009 12:52 PM
OK, even saying "I hate to be that person that compares x to y..." deserves its own "I hate to be that person" qualifier at this point but she DOES kind of remind me of old Kago in this picture
 Oct 23 2009 01:56 PM
2nd Ai Kago... :(
 Oct 23 2009 02:08 PM
Omg, she got a somewhat sexy face. i see the av coming
 Oct 23 2009 02:08 PM
That's because she's kind of Kago-ish. =3= IMO.
This isn't a very flattering picture, Rii. ;_;
 Oct 23 2009 02:20 PM
wow Risako looks very cute here and this doesn't remind me of Kago at all, actually i would never have thought of Kago if you retards didn't make me (sorry to be rude but i just hate Kago sooo much).
 Oct 23 2009 03:00 PM
dude dont call people retards thats not cool they didnt insult rii or anything and yeah i do find this whole picture rather wrong tbh i would have no probs if she was a decent age but shes not.
 Oct 23 2009 03:24 PM
... Kago?

And I think someone said before that looking at Risako's PB makes them want to beat her parents.. in this case, I'm inclined to agree. :/
 Oct 23 2009 03:26 PM
are you people americans or muslims or something or why are you so prude? it's just beautiful risako in a bikini... jeez if you don't like it then gtfo from idol sites
 Oct 23 2009 03:29 PM
^ Uh.. okay? What's someone's nationality have to do with anything?
 Oct 23 2009 03:43 PM
Awesome photo of an adorable girl.
 Berryz Kamen
 Oct 23 2009 04:13 PM
lol it looks like she only JUST got her eyebrows waxed

her face is kinda scary in this but IMO her face isn't whats relevant.
 Oct 23 2009 04:31 PM
im not being prude i wouldnt mind one bit if she was a decent age but shes not.
 Oct 23 2009 04:42 PM
^ 'Decent age' is subjective.
 Oct 23 2009 05:56 PM
i mean over the age of consent and you know it lol i think in japan its atleast 18
 Oct 23 2009 06:00 PM
all this talk over a photo. if risako was uncomfortable with it, she wouldn't have done it. the angle is a bit odd, but the photo itself isn't THAT bad.
 Oct 23 2009 06:09 PM
Sedge Valley
 Oct 23 2009 06:13 PM
I really do my best to respect that others have different thresholds for what they find alarming or offensive, but if we can say "just move on" to people who post rudely about girls they don't like, maybe the same thing can be said to people who comment on pictures being an affront to their good senses. If this picture or any comments were overly perverse then I have good faith in the admins of H!O to sort it out.
 Oct 23 2009 06:24 PM
Risako will not be traumatized. It's not as if some 30-year-old man is hitting on her or something, so there is no victim.

I don't like the photo, but the world (and fortunately so) is not commanded by what Oikaze likes or dislikes.
 Oct 23 2009 06:31 PM
The victim is my heart ~_*
 Oct 23 2009 06:47 PM
Risako is beautiful and that's it ♥
 Oct 23 2009 06:56 PM

Yes she is, but this is NOT good.

She shouldn't have to do that.

And it looks like it has been edited A LOT.
 Oct 23 2009 07:40 PM
Oh man, I love these new Kago pict.... oh wait.
 Oct 23 2009 07:43 PM
Risako is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. GO GO RII!
 Oct 23 2009 08:28 PM
"Decent age" follows the Japanese interpretation, considering this is a Japanese girl, a Japanese production, for the Japanese domestic market. In Japan, Risako is very much so of "decent age", because of their sociocultural interpretations of these things.

Age of consent really doesn't have anything to do with it (which for your information is separated into two groups in this case: national age of consent and prefectural age of consent.

Japan's national age of consent is 13.

The prefectural age of consent vary (can be anything from 13 to 18), and in general the national is what counts, unless there's a criminal case, or something just "isn't right" (suspicion of enkou etc.), in which most cases the prefectural age of consent overrides the national one, and here its year of choice tend to be 18.

So then I somewhat rhetorically ask:

What of your "decent age" now?

(No need to answer)

As Coconuts Musume Fan says, if you don't like it, no need to comment. Just move along...
 Oct 23 2009 09:28 PM
sorry peeps was just saying to me this is a little girl squeezing her boobs together and it makes me feel uncomfortable its just my opinion and if nobody wanted me to voice it you wouldnt be allowed to make comments on pics. i am in no way bad mouthing rii aswell i just dont care for the pic
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Oct 23 2009 10:07 PM
.. Rii is a beautiful girl, this photo hardly represents the best of her, nevertheless, it is still her and if the composition of this picture meant to have her looking vulnerable and insecure, they have succeeded.
 Oct 23 2009 10:16 PM
looks a lot like Aibon xD Well, to much boobs in my opinion =P But what can I do... ^^,
 Oct 23 2009 10:30 PM
You are powerless in the face of boobs
 Berryz Kamen
 Oct 23 2009 10:31 PM
yay boobs.
 Oct 23 2009 11:06 PM
Sugaya Risako touching her own head? At her age?
 Oct 24 2009 12:48 AM
Wow, this is sooo Aibon
 Oct 24 2009 03:06 AM
Oh gosh. I totally went "KAGO-....aaah risako?"
I somehow never noticed they looked almost....completely the same.
 Oct 24 2009 03:51 AM
I really think it is just this picture. The thought had never even crossed my mind before.
 With Teeth
 Oct 24 2009 06:31 AM
I'm only feeling offended by the massive airbrushing there in the boobs :(
I thought you guys were used to 'asking for it' expression in H!P. difference is that she's just showing boobs (and damn, I expected more boobs from socko. liar paddings made me angry.)
 Oct 24 2009 10:03 AM
I don't have any problem with Risako's bikini or pose. Not her age either, stopped complaining, and stopped caring a long time ago...
But this picture is just wrong. The hair is wrong, the facial expression is wrong, and it all makes Risako look like Kago Ai(sorry, Kago-fans). It is simply a unflattering photo of Risako, and it should not have been pushed to public simply because there is some boobage and cleavage in there.
 Oct 24 2009 10:34 AM
I'm not gonna lie, this is one really ugly picture~ not Risako's fault, but this shouldn't even be published. This is just a really horrendous picture over all. I really dislike this photobook over all. Too much of her trying to pose, she isn't like the others who can pull it off. She's better off in my opinion having natural poses where she's just enjoying doing her thing, she isn't cut out to pose all "mature"-like in my opinion.
 Oct 24 2009 10:42 AM
like kago ai =="
 Oct 24 2009 12:59 PM
This is a bad picture of her, shes beautiful but I don't like how she looks in this picture.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the picture though it's just her in a bikini.
 Sakura Ichigo
 Oct 24 2009 01:51 PM
nah this photo is just crap in general.
if she have better hair, better make up, better bikini, better background n better pose
wouldn't be wrong at all
but cause it looks like a homemade postcard, it does look a bit wrong
 Oct 24 2009 03:12 PM
shes naturally beautiful but i think this kind of pictures doesn't makes her beautiful
 Oct 26 2009 10:10 AM
I don't like this photo either...

But yeah at first glance I thought it was Kago
 Oct 30 2009 04:47 AM
If this was a self-done cellphone picture it'd be ok. But as a professionally shot and produced picture it sucks big time. There's no way any self respecting photographer could of thought this was good shot. But it's got titties so into the PB it goes. Sigh.