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"Qian Lin, Linlin",
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Uploaded on 22-October 09
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Oct 22 2009 04:54 PM
Captain! I see our destination! There are alligators and sea monsters within our path! The roaring seas and the clashing pounds of raging waters against monstrous rocks. But we must persist, for we have the will of the gods, the strength of a powerful army and cuteness of a billion puppies.
Anyway, I see it, it's that way.

Reina+Ai: Good girl.

(No concert confirmation or pointing out of her nose for this Ai-Gaki confusion, belly button = Ai)
 Oct 22 2009 06:15 PM
is it strange that i can totally see that happening in this photo?
 Oct 22 2009 09:02 PM
^^ lol xD

left is reina right is gaki right?
 Oct 23 2009 02:16 AM
arrrr ahoy matyes
 Oct 23 2009 04:35 AM
I'm guessing this is some kind of Chinese mystic ritual. It's how LinLin attains temporary clairvoyance (the real reason Tsunku took her into H!P).
 Oct 23 2009 10:08 PM

It is Ai.
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Oct 24 2009 12:30 AM
excellent! She is auditioning for the role of Luffy's first mate? :D