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Uploaded on 06-October 09
By Wyneil
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Morning Musume 40th T-shirt (BLACK)

 Oct 06 2009 04:20 AM
 Oct 06 2009 04:31 AM
I normally don't bother with idol merchandise, but the arbitrary(?) use of German intrigues me.
 Oct 06 2009 04:42 AM
Where did you get the shirts?
 Oct 06 2009 05:22 AM
*lol* That's hilarious. It seems like they used Google or Babelfish to get that German translation …
 Oct 06 2009 05:26 AM
"40th einzelnes" by "Morgen mädchen" indeed.
 Oct 06 2009 05:29 AM
@「REDX」 Oh I ask someone to order it for me and then I paid him (They dont make these anymore)^^;
 Oct 06 2009 11:47 AM
OMG U GET THAT SHIRT ALREADY? we did ordered from singapore but we totally gt no news of it yet.. =(
 Oct 06 2009 11:53 AM
anyone wanna do a translation of wat that means? why do they use german....>.<
 Oct 06 2009 01:16 PM
Translation of the german:
"40th single "Romantic love of phantasy" on sale 12. august 2009. Morning Girl are...(the girls names). No idle group."

but the translation is really bad. Auf verkauf xD seems like they really used google. because in german you also use the word "single" for a cd and it shpuld say "Zum verkauf am" and
 Oct 06 2009 03:19 PM
i'm wondering how they got the shirt written in german anyway? unless it's a re-print, and instead of japanese, it was written in german.
 Oct 06 2009 04:28 PM
Lol, the german translation is hilarious!! xDD
They should have used a professional translator for this! REALLY!! xDD
 Oct 06 2009 05:26 PM
hm...if thats really that bad then it would be e only element that spoils e shirt... but i think no one noes wat those words r in japan... so to them it like "cool random english text"

but anyway.. its still a VERY nice shirt i must say. N ME N MY FRENS JUST GOT OURS TOO! =D
 Oct 08 2009 12:28 PM
Ummm... does anyone know whose silhouette is whose?
I feel like I've seen those exact photos before but I can't remember where >.<

I recognise some, but none of them look like Koharu.