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Uploaded on 24-August 09
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Picboard: Hello!Project 


 Aug 24 2009 08:21 PM
ok, the right side (as you look at her) of her face looks fine- she looks pretty and everything
it's just... her eyebrow hasn't been drawn in... it's anoying me > A <;; she'd look fine though if her fringe went straight across...
it doesn't look right OAO;;
 With Teeth
 Aug 26 2009 04:13 AM
and I thought the eyebrow makeup was crappy enough usually. they should draw it with a slightly darker color. in this pic, anything would look better, light or dark.
 Aug 30 2009 12:04 PM
unless... the whole point of the article is "did you know risako shaves her eyebrows of"-- hence the other members whispering to eachother but...
lol why? quite afew idols do that OAO;;