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Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Kusumi Koharu,

Kamei Eri,

Mitsui Aika,

"Li Chun, Junjun",

"Qian Lin, Linlin",

Takahashi Ai,
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Uploaded on 05-August 09
By pitawan
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Aug 05 2009 01:26 PM
They should make a MM rubiks cube :D
 Aug 05 2009 09:20 PM
^That would be epic!
 Aug 05 2009 10:37 PM
Then i would finaly take my time to solve it xD
 Aug 06 2009 01:26 AM
grubby. i thought the same thing! weird. but yeah, it could be a limited morning musume rubik's cube. i mean, they have momusu talking alarm clocks now. mumusu tie-ins on things like that could work, but then they'd end up being sell-outs, and we can't have that. *coughhannamontanacough*
 Aug 06 2009 01:45 AM
^ omg Momusu bedsheets and pillow cases!! along with limited edition socks! I'd totally buy those.
 Eririn Mikan
 Aug 06 2009 02:41 AM
hey, momusu rubix cube?? good idea, gonna buy it, how bout momusu soft drinks¬ that could be preety fun¬
 Aug 12 2009 03:18 AM
@iheartmomusu: ... Um. Oh my god. I need MoMusu sheets and pillowcases. That would make moving into a dorm room so entirely much less terrifying. D: <33`
 Aug 19 2009 05:18 PM
momusu rubix cube man that would pwn but how are you gonna do that? a rubix cube has 6 sides, 9 cubes per side, if you put 9 faces on 1 side you'll never solve it :P unless ofcourse they cubes are colored xD
 Aug 19 2009 07:57 PM
^ Hmm... Well. Maybe each side would have a different theme, you know? Like... They'd be in different outfits from different singles, or something. 8D;
OH! OR. :D There could be an "angry side," a "happy side," a "sad side," etc. 8DDD; THAT would be cute. ♥
 Aug 19 2009 09:10 PM
^ i would so buy it XD
 Aug 19 2009 11:23 PM
If they make Morning Musume soft drinks, I am going on record that I will have whatever Shige thinks up. She seems to have the best ideas about food.
 Aug 20 2009 02:36 AM
Oh my God, I want to make that now.
 Aug 21 2009 06:40 PM
i have a mini Reina rubix cube. and a friend of mine has a koharu one so they're around. XD what if it had a photo you had to make up instead? like a jigsaw puzzle? too hard? XD

i want Momusu bedsheets! lol! how much more creepy and weird can we wota get?
@Kaychi: totally get the freaky dorm room thing (except i'm moving into a house instead) i'm gonna be wallpapering my room with all my H!P posters instead though. >w<
 Aug 22 2009 01:52 AM
Except I really, really suck at Rubix cubes, so I would just look at it and play with it and never accomplish anything. 8'DDDD; ♥♥♥

And... yeah, seriously, it's really creepy. xDDDD; BUT. I WANT THEM. 8DDDDDDDDD; <333`

Hahaha! ♥ Yeah... I mean, I've still got one more year of high school, so I won't be moving out until next year, but... I'm kind of a lot terrified. xDD;; I'm DEFINITELY bringing all of my MoMusu and Arashi posters, though, and... yeah. My roommate will just have to deal. ;w; <333`
-beat up by future roommate-
 Aug 22 2009 07:08 PM
i'm in a house so i get my own room so i can decorate it how i likes. lol!! i'll be driving my housemates crazy anyway though. it's what i do. XD

yeah it's a cute little keychain rubix cube. it's adorable. it was a present so i can't tell you where it comes from or how to get them. >< i don't have the courage to mess with it. so it's all neat still. lol!! from 2006-7 i think....

the momusu bedsheets would be amazing fun to design!! i'd want the duvet to have the picture of them all lying in a cirle with pillows in jammies asleep. so sweet!! or have them all jumping around on it like in the 3.2.1. breakin out pv. ><
Hangry and Angry bedcovers would be cool too. have hangry one side pink and angry the other side blue..... but would i'd find it weird having rika right there while i sleep..... i can't sleep with my yossie pillow without feeling pervy. haha.