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Niigaki Risa,

Michishige Sayumi,

Tanaka Reina,

Kusumi Koharu,

Kamei Eri,

Mitsui Aika,

"Li Chun, Junjun",

"Qian Lin, Linlin",


Takahashi Ai,
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FLASH Magazine

 With Teeth
 Jul 14 2009 09:57 AM
an aika wota and a cosplay group spotted for eternity. how lucky, I guess.
 Jul 14 2009 04:50 PM
Lol, Im the dude with the Aika shirt. Now I gotta find someone to translate what it says under the picture
 With Teeth
 Jul 16 2009 08:04 PM
lucky bastard lol. congrats.
 Jul 17 2009 08:42 AM
ugly usamusume sows ruined it for me
 Yukari Yashizawa
 Jul 21 2009 05:17 AM
O_o Well, thanks. We're not USA Musume,we're not even in the same state, we're our own group, and that's really... what you said was just mean. We're just fans, like all of you, I don't know why you had go insult us. We wanted to pay our own tribute to Momusu, in our own way, and working on these costumes were our way of showing our appreciation and love for Morning Musume. If you want to offer creative criticism, I'd be happy to hear it, but useless insulting is just childish and rude.

We were really excited to find our picture in the magazine, please don't ruin the moment for us..
 Jul 21 2009 05:28 AM
@assembler .... not cool dude
 Jul 21 2009 05:44 AM
@assembler, I see that you never listened to your mama, "if you got nothing good to say, then keep it to yourself."
 Jul 21 2009 05:49 AM
@Yukari Yoshizawa: Congrats for getting in the magazine, and thanks for supporting our gals. Wish I could have made it to LA.
 Jul 21 2009 05:57 AM
Ugly sows? Wow. How totally classless and needlessly cruel. Do everyone a favor and keep your nastiness to yourself next time, Mr. Handsome Popular.
 Jul 21 2009 06:21 AM
Hmm... really strange... I checked, double checked even tripple checked the magazine page and couldn't find any "ugly usamusume sows" as assembler mentioned...
I did find a guy with an Aika shirt which is being totally envied by me (in a possitive way!! congrats Kuzuma2387, I wish I could have been there!!) and 4 pretty girls in momusu costumes.
Any how, congrats to you Yukari and to your friends as well, you all look really nice.
Which one is you btw??
 Jul 21 2009 06:38 AM
I don't see any usamusume or "ugly sows", I just see other fans who paid their tribute to Morning Musume by putting a lot of time in making MM cosplays (very awesome ones, I might add ;D).

Yukari-chan (I have a habit doing this to everyone. Sorry! lol), you guys did awesome, and congrats on making into the magazine. You deserve it. :)
 Yukari Yashizawa
 Jul 21 2009 06:54 AM
:D thanks everyone, I really appreciate it. It's rare when you come upon a mean H!P fans, and sad all the same...

:D aw thank you Carrls! I was Reina- the one with all the pink :D
T__T Thanks for the nice comment linniigaki- it means a lot!
 Jul 21 2009 07:00 AM
^I saw the scans a couple of days ago and thought you guys were so cute~!
Nice work on the cosplay :thumbsup: You put them together yourselves??? 0.o
That's incredible. Nice job!
 Jul 21 2009 10:18 AM
@ kazuma2387
Just for a giggle I put it into Babelfish and this is what came up!
The American man who with utmost effort conveys thinking with Japanese of one word. Holding sign important, the tear eye.
 Jul 21 2009 10:41 AM
The American man i's trying his hardest to express his feelings in broken Japanese. Carrying his precious signature away, his teary eyes say, "So happy".
(or something like that)
 Jul 21 2009 11:09 AM
^ so much nicer than babelfish!
 Jul 21 2009 07:32 PM
^ Haha awww kazuma xD
 Jul 22 2009 12:07 AM
lol yea I had my friend translate it for me the other day. I dont remember tearing up, I was just in a state of shock because of all the beautiful girls in front of me lol
 Yukari Yashizawa
 Jul 22 2009 01:02 AM
:O Does anyone know how to get a hold of the magazine from the states? I'd love a copy of this.

@Kazuma: Aw! I'm so jealous! :D I didn't get an autograph, so I'm really envious! I think I would've teared up for sure.
 Jul 22 2009 01:54 AM
@Yukari Yashizawa: Don't mind him. You go girls~! I wish I was a bit smaller so I could cosplay. Not enough skills for that. XD
 Jul 22 2009 09:24 AM
 Jul 22 2009 02:28 PM

Most likely you didn't bother reading the other comments. Please keep all rude comments to yourselves. If you have something nice to say, then fine, but don't go insulting others on a whim. Most of the people at AX and those featured in the FLASH magazine are all genuinely nice. We share the same interest and if you have a better way of expressing it, then by all means, but don't go banging on others becuase they have their own way of for appreciating Momusu.
 Jul 22 2009 09:20 PM
Dude, yalls outfits look perfect. When I first saw them I was like "Geez, did they raid momusu's closet?" XD
 Yukari Yashizawa
 Jul 22 2009 11:36 PM
@Kurisu : Thanks for that

@visionfactory : Wow you definitely didn't read my comment before did you? Who said we were trying to BE like morning musume? And even if we were, why would that bother you? O_o They're our idols.

@Saint-Zefi: :D Thank you!!!! XDD that's so sweet! I wish I could raid their costume closet XD That'd be AMAZING
 Jul 22 2009 11:40 PM
Hmm theyre just cosplaying like MM i dont see any problem with it..
 Jul 23 2009 01:03 AM
visionfactory. do ME a favor and stop being a party pooper.
 Jul 23 2009 02:12 AM
Trying to be like Morning Musume? Looks like regular con cosplay to me. They're not trying to "be like" anyone or anything. It's just for fun.

Do you also run up to people at costume parties and on Halloween and demand that they stop "trying to be like" whatever they're dressed as?
 Yukari Yashizawa
 Jul 23 2009 03:51 AM
Haha! That made me rofl.

._. I wonder how you get a hold of this magazine though... Has anyone ordered it?
 Jul 23 2009 05:27 AM

You should have raided the mannequins behind the Japanfiles booth >_<'

As for the magazine, I mentioned this earlier in the AX thread; if you live in the LA area, you can check out this Japanese book store on 2nd and Onizaku St. They car airmail magazines and many other media. I have yet to check because of my work schedule, but I plan on checking it out this week.
 Jul 23 2009 06:27 AM
When i read ASSEMbler comment : "There's the crazy one" and...
when i read vision comment : "Here comes another one" (sigh)
gosh, God didn't give you hands to type bad things, use them to make other people smile at least

@Yukari : relax, the more people doing mean to you, the more people will be nice to you
that's what i thought
 Jul 23 2009 07:43 AM
@Yukari: Congrats on getting your pic in the magazine! You girls were so incredibly sweet and your costumes were amazing! It's nice that you have friends that share your love for Momusu. I was the Kirari cosplayer that was without a Kobeni/Kikkawa or Noel/Kitahara... ._.;;;
 Jul 23 2009 08:19 AM
If anyone else feels the need to put up rude comments on this picture, you will recieve a warning increase.
 Yukari Yashizawa
 Jul 23 2009 08:41 AM
@Kurisu : If you see any, could you let me know? I don't live anywhere near LA, but I wonder if I could convince someone to go buy one there if there are some there. I'd love to have that memorabilia from AX, even for the momusu pics and what not.

@MelonMasae: OMG You were the cutest thing ever! We like oogled over your costume, it was like RIGHT off the Tan Tan Taa~n cover XD I was so envious! LOVED it. Aw! T_T Well, if there's another H!P event that we both end up going to, maybe we can plan something :D
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Jul 23 2009 11:33 AM
@ everyone who was there : I WISH I WAS THERE!!! T-T .... man.. teary eyed :lol: .. if it were me i'd be on my knees, being melodramatic... :lol: ....

and to all the haters... bugger off... these girls put in effort, and lots of their own time to do this, afterall, cosplay is the sincerest form of flattery.... and this is to show their LOVE for it... you buggers have No LOVE!! ... Bugger off... :speeds off in his Jag-wahr:
 Jul 23 2009 07:22 PM
@visionfactory>> Oh that was so rude. If you want to say that, read all the comments first.
 Jul 23 2009 11:17 PM
@MelonMasae: OMG I remember you! I waved at you while waiting in line for the Saturday morning autographs ^.^ But I was too shy ask if I could take a pic of you. v_v;

@ the idiots who are being rude: Does "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it" ring a bell? >_>
 Jul 24 2009 07:35 AM
OK, drop it now. I have issued a warning, i don't need anyone else replying to the trolls as it gets noone anywhere fast.
Thank you!
 Jul 24 2009 08:13 AM
@ Yukari: Aww, thank you so much! Definitely let me know if you're planning on doing any cosplays in the future! I'd love to do something with you! <3

@ linniigaki: I'm remembered! :D!!! You totally should've come up to me. I don't bite! I swear!!!
 Jul 24 2009 04:57 PM
@MelonMasae Your costume was great! I was one of the girls in the group with Wyatt lol (Laura, I dont remember if we were introduced properly or not)

@Yukari Your costumes were great, as well as your performance at the Hello!Party. I am soooo jealous you guys got in the magazine!! But I am in a press photo of the concert, and a video, so thats still pretty cool! (but magazines have text to go with pictures ;_; )
 Yukari Yashizawa
 Jul 24 2009 09:43 PM
@MelonMasae : Definitely! :D I'll let you know. I added you as a friend xD

@KawaiiAyu: T_T Aw thank you! Hello!Party was a freaking blast!! :D Loved it. Dude, press photo and a video! :D Can't beat that!! Magazines are cool, but I think it's cool having yourself in a pic/video of momusu regardless, it's like being a part of their history XD
 Jul 27 2009 03:30 PM

which PV were you guys cosplaying? I'm sorry, but my brain is fried and I can't think of it.
 Yukari Yashizawa
 Jul 27 2009 08:43 PM
@michikodesu It was actually from the Fall 2007 bonkyu! bonkyu! bomb concert, it was the shanimuni paradise/ikkimasshoi outfits

There's a link to Shanimuni from that concert if you wanted to see the originals, it's a super fun, cute dance- performance :D
 Jul 28 2009 12:31 AM
I luuuv that song, especially with those 4 singing!! Do you actually do the dance as well? I love the DOIT DOIT DOIT parts!

BTW....ya'll did an excellent job on your costumes!! Kudos!! I wish I had friends that would do that with me!
 Yukari Yashizawa
 Jul 28 2009 06:38 AM
@michikodesu : Aw!! You can always do them anyway! Kirarin/Koharu has cute costumes! We haven't done the dance yet, though we're learning it, because we ADORE the song and dance. I think that's what makes the costumes even cuter, is the funny things that happen in the dance. It's so playful. Momusu is good with that though- they like, exude fun and excitement.
 Jul 28 2009 08:52 PM
Awesome work on the outfits!!.. i immediately knew they were the ones from this concert series what u were going for... :D
 Dec 07 2009 07:44 PM
So cool!! I'm the one cosplaying Niigaki in the orange outfit ^_^