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Ice Creamusume,

"Gu Yun, Guu-chan",

"Zhao Guo Rong, Youko",

"Qiu Cui Ling, Reirei",

"Zhong An Qi, Anchii",

"Wu Si Xuan, Shenshen",

"Zeng De Ping, Peipei",
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Uploaded on 28-May 09
By metayero
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 May 28 2009 10:21 AM
Oh, so they are still alive? Nice, hope for something new from them soon.
 May 28 2009 10:54 AM
It's china, he can keep them fed and doing things for under a hundred a month.
 May 28 2009 12:28 PM
just FYI, they're from Taiwan
 May 28 2009 07:17 PM
Last I heard they are still in training, so don't expect much. They have to be ready. They have vocals, dances, poses, yadda yadda..
 May 28 2009 08:47 PM
^ They aren't in training. o.O They've already released a mini-album, have 4 PV's, have done live performances, been on television, etc. They finished promoting their album and are taking a break; most of them are still in school, the break is being used for studying and exams that are coming soon for some of them. They just did another live performance on the 26th and 27th to promote PeiPei's school entrance events.
 With Teeth
 May 29 2009 03:55 AM
LOL they did all this and... uhh... we never got to know? now that's what I call underground.
 May 29 2009 04:26 AM
If you were visiting their thread and reading any of the translated blog entries, you would've known. xD - As for the PVs; two PV's made it to the front page; Japanese Ver. PV of their debut song (but not the Chinese Ver. PV), and their PV for Ame no Furanai.. (Chinese Ver.). Their PV for RR21 (Chinese Ver.) didn't make it, I guess, because at the time a HQ video couldn't be found. Kind of late for it now.

I apologize for the lengthy comment. But if you don't at least visit the thread (which I assume a lot of people don't) why would you (in general) expect to know about anything they did outside of what PVs make it to the front page? xD;
 May 29 2009 04:41 AM
HOLY SHI... is it me or did Guu-chan grow??? puberty O_O
 May 29 2009 06:30 AM
She looks the same to me. o.o She's always been tall.
 Jul 04 2009 03:02 AM
i heard they are still in training and i wish them good luck and hope to hear new songs soon.