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Sugaya Risako,
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Uploaded on 20-May 09
By metayero
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Tags: Sugaya Risako 

 May 21 2009 01:29 AM
Haha LOL her face! Cute! xD
 May 22 2009 02:58 PM
It looks like she saw an cockroach. xD
 May 26 2009 11:47 AM
She has gained a little weight lately. I think she just discovered Mr. Donut's Donut Burgers, especially that they only sell it for a limited time. She's cute though.:)
 May 26 2009 03:11 PM
^well, that was a backhanded compliment. "she's fat, been eating too much, BUT, she's cute" do you see anything wrong with that?
 May 26 2009 05:36 PM
I didn't say she's fat, I just said that she gained weight. It's obvious that she was skinnier before, but that doesn't equal fat now. Even if someone is fat, can't they be cute? I don't quite understand your way of thinking.
 May 26 2009 06:04 PM
I think I'm the only one that thinks Risako looks way better when she's chubby like this.
 May 26 2009 06:22 PM
It is getting really old, when a new Risako pic comes out someone has to comment and go "OMG CHUBBY" its old and annoying.
 May 26 2009 08:47 PM
^ Nah I agree with you LeoHamasaki.

Go Risako!!! <3
 May 27 2009 08:40 AM
Yeah, enough already. She's a teenager...and perfectly normal.
 May 28 2009 01:21 AM
 May 28 2009 01:26 AM
esuteru. saying someone's gaining a little weight lately is a bit of a negative thing to say anyway. there are other ways of saying it. the way you put it, you make it seem like a bad thing, but at the end add that she's cute.
 May 28 2009 02:07 AM
IMO she's been kind of dropping the weight she gained. :( But I love Risako no matter what so it doesn't really matter to me either way XDD
 May 28 2009 05:21 PM
Umm, this is the nicest way it can be said. I totally didn't mean in negatively, I just mentioned something that I saw. You're the one that said "been eating too much". I didn't say anything like that, I just said she gained weight. I don't see anything wrong with that. She still cute even if she gained weight or not. Gosh, you people need to calm down and not take everything so seriously.
 May 28 2009 05:26 PM
Sorry for bumping it, but the box on my computer is automatically checked.:S
 May 28 2009 05:29 PM
"I think she just discovered Mr. Donut's Donut Burgers, especially that they only sell it for a limited time. " that comment alone suggests she's been eating alot and in a short period of time.

anyway, i'm though. people will say what they want when they want.
 May 28 2009 06:18 PM
Will people just seriously STOP with all the Risako weight comments?

It happens with almost every single picture of her these days, give her a break! Just because she's not as skinny as Reina or doesn't have the perfect body like Takahashi, it doesn't mean you have to point it out, thank you. We all can see she's gained weight, but really, SO WHAT? Honestly, I'd like some people to post their pics on the net and show off THEIR bodies.
 May 28 2009 08:09 PM
Ok, some people can't recognize a joke, when they see one. Why is everyone getting so upset about this? Everyone has their own opinion, so don't attack others, because I didn't sayanything rude. Everyone's ideal, let's say "look" is different, so we can't all agree. That's why i said she's cute, cause it doesn't matter if she gained weight or not. Ok, let's stop this. I can't believe people blow up small things like this. I get that you're tired of hearing these things, but different people = diff. opinions. End of discussion!:D
 May 29 2009 05:54 PM
Well, if it doesn't matter and she's cute anyway, why couldn't you have just said "Risako is cute in this picture" and not mentioned anything about her.......ummmmmm.......physical being?

I'm just sayin'....................
 May 30 2009 08:31 AM
She too noticed the special glowstick.
 Jun 03 2009 05:48 AM
Whatever .... for me.... many says her fat but actually we are just used that many h!p members are skinny so if we see risa we'll thought that she's fat but actually she is okay ..... well that's for me...