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Hagiwara Mai,
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Uploaded on 19-May 09
By metayero
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Picture size: 952x1327
Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Hagiwara Mai 

 Helder Ribeiro
 May 19 2009 11:44 PM
She looks like a baby her *O*~
 May 20 2009 09:09 AM
Hmm, I was actually going to say that this is truly one of the most unflattering pictures of her that I've ever seen. Pretty much the whole set is imo; she doesn't only look like a baby (I personally find anyone under the age of 4 months helplessly fugly), but bald too (Somewhat Donald Trump-ish, to be exact), her eyes seem lifeless, and seems like she's having her periods and couldn't care any less about being on stage. Did I already mention that her hair looks like she didn't bother to shower the day before?

No offense though. Mai is cool. Anyone who puts sugar in other people's lunches is cool, which I quess makes Mai extra-cool since her case got videotaped.
 May 20 2009 09:57 AM
i actually find it to be sorta cute. o.o in fact i really kinda like it.
 May 20 2009 10:17 AM
i liked it! i think she looks adorable!
 May 20 2009 07:48 PM
cutiepearl. how can you say "no offense" after all that? anyone who's a mai fan would likely be offended.

an i'll agree with everyone else. she does look cute. her baby hairs are adorable. (talking about that wispy fringe on her forehead)
 With Teeth
 May 20 2009 09:05 PM
Bean head. I quite agree with cutiepearl.
 May 21 2009 03:36 AM
lol I'm nearly 16 and still have baby hairs. :P

I find it cute. :D Not every picture has to be the most flattering picture. Maybe I see something that you don't, but it's very Mai-ish. Sure there are better, but this isn't horrible.
 May 21 2009 07:10 AM
^i'm glad someone agrees.
 May 21 2009 07:14 AM
At first glance, I thought this pic was Miyabi when she was just a little girl

anyway, Mai looks so cute