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Kago Ai,

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Uploaded on 22-February 09
By metayero
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Picboard: Hello!Project   
Tags: Kago Ai  Magazine 


 Feb 22 2009 09:06 AM
Ew this is so nasty.. and unattractive. Put your clothes back on!
 ♥ Risa
 Feb 22 2009 09:12 AM
Really now can you just stop? You're probably going to upload the bigger nastier versions anyways so what's the point always uploading the LQ ones?
 Feb 22 2009 09:46 AM
What is this?? This is not the Aibon we remember from years gone by!! Sorry, if Kago has done a pb like that, I don't wanna see it....
 Feb 22 2009 10:14 AM
Then don't look. End of story.

Honestly, you might not agree with it, but it's new material from Kago and therefore it needs to be posted here.
 ♥ Risa
 Feb 22 2009 11:21 AM
So if she does porno that needs to be posted here to?
I understand that it's new material and what not but I'm not the only underage person on here, and this is NSFW material - this would be considered semi-porn where I come from and it's not like the picboard is some members only area, anyone can view it so I just don't think it's acceptable to post it and if you must ATLEAST friggen do it when it's in better quality so I don't have to see it twice, I mean I thought LQ pictures weren't even allowed.

I'm not trying to start anything and it's not like I'm saying things people aren't already thinking anyways.
 Feb 22 2009 02:21 PM
regardless of opinions ty for always uploading pictures of kago or of anyone else for that matter

>(^*^)> THANK YOU <(^*^)<
 Feb 22 2009 02:28 PM
come on guys..I know this looks bad...
but its all about IMAGE...
Aibon is no more..
Kago Ai is just starting to rise herself up..
Im not proud of her seeing this kind of picture to get back in the entertainment stream...
But what can we do?..
She choose this road to get back on her entertainment feet..

Im not even sure if she even existed back then...Because everything we see on tv is image..what we see on their blogs is image+reality...

so please..support her if you want...and leave her if you don't want to...

Honestly..with all these craps i just wrote..
i can't wait porno side of Kagosan to release a debut AV XD...
Some how i feel that its more on her calling ^^...

No more bashing please..
yeah you know im right XD
 Feb 22 2009 02:54 PM
This so-called "old Aibon" never existed.
It was just a character that she was playing.
This new half-naked Aibon is just another character as well.

And for those of you who are waiting for Kago porn: don't get your hopes up.
There's a huge gap between making a semi-erotic photobook with no breasts or nether regions showing and making actual pornographic material.

Those pictures might be suggestive, but they are carefully crafted and actually don't show anything.
 burnt glitter
 Feb 22 2009 06:38 PM

For people thinking her next step is porn, seriously, get a grip. Posing provocatively isn't the same as going on the way to being a porn star. I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen and worrying about what we're going to do when and if it DOES happen is useless because as of now that's unrealistic. The pictures on the picboard in the thumbnail are relatively small so if you don't like the content you can scroll past it. With girls posing in bikinis in photobooks and they're posted on the picboard, it's the same thing. I don't see how this is any different.
 Feb 22 2009 06:46 PM
^ Thank you. Just -thank you-.

And I actually quite like these, once again. Esspecially the one of her in the blue dress, and the one on the very bottom.
 Feb 22 2009 07:39 PM
sure these are pretty sexy, and maybe a little racy, but they're tastefully done, and in no way are they pornographic. she's not engaging in any sexual act, heck none of her lady parts are even showing. i'm really happy for her to have an opportunity to do something like this. now, if the other ai, aichan did this, would people filp? probably not. they'd keel over and die from major loss of blood.
 Feb 22 2009 09:06 PM
I really have to wonder where the people who shout "NSFW" are coming from. Unless you're posting from a convent I seriously doubt this is any more risque than what they show on prime time TV. Honestly, if you're that prudish how can you even justify being on the internet? There might even be real porn on the internet! Hide!
 Feb 22 2009 09:20 PM
Thanks for posting these pics.

To the 12 year olds complaining - get a grip. Ai isn't 12 any more. She's a grown woman. She needs to sell an image to make money, and 12 year olds don't have any to spend. You're not the target demographic. When you grow up and get a job and start actually buying products to support the artists then your opinion might count.
 Feb 22 2009 09:46 PM
My God.. who cares if she's showing skin? Grow the eff up, at the age of 12 this picture wouldn't offend me at all. If anything, I find some of you guys creepy, "wota" comments more disturbing/inappropriate than this picture.

We weren't born with clothes on. If she wants to pose nude or partially nude, she can. Who cares what you guys think. Go on livejournal and cry about it to your friend list if it upsets you oh so badly.
 Feb 22 2009 10:53 PM
whoa whoa whoa, hold on a second. you kids are always drooling over photobook pages and going "hubba hubba" at kamei's thighs or sayumi's boobins... and all of a sudden you're saying "ew that's inappropriate nasty don't post anymore ahh my virgin eyes my innocent mind" over a picture like this? oh please.
 Feb 22 2009 11:02 PM
they are just whining cuz they miss the old aibon. some of these pics creep the hell outta me but i gotta admit the new aibon is hot. :D
 Feb 23 2009 12:56 AM
I think I have been misunderstood. I am not a Kago fanboy. Showing skin is not nasty, but it could be depending on WHO shows it. The reaction I got from seeing this pic would be the same as your reaction to seeing a 500 pound naked woman sprawled out on a bed. So to be more explicit, I think that Kago is a turnoff.
 Feb 23 2009 01:05 AM
time to stop posting this
 Feb 23 2009 01:50 AM
Grow up you whiny little babies. This isn't friggen inappropiate, although it's a little racy. It's not like Kago is even SHOWING anything or DOING anything. It's suggestive, BUT remember guys sex sells. It's nothing different from bikini shots.

She's breaking away from her 'pure' idol image even more, because she doesn't want to be held back by it. I applaud her.
 Feb 23 2009 07:50 AM
Everything I wanted to say was already expressed very well by Vulpi, burnt glitter, Inspectah Glass, gx240, CIssnei, Sockbeam, and tanakacchi07, but I have to say that hollowmoon wins this one. You are BA!
 Liz ^^
 Feb 25 2009 04:42 AM
I am so disappointed.....I've always held my head up talking about these H!P INspirational Role models......because i said they'd never do this....or get a boyfriend.....but wow.....I have been having doubts lately. I so much looked up to them....
(But i refuse to base my whole opinion off of one member....but it is effected.)
 Liz ^^
 Feb 25 2009 04:42 AM
I am so disappointed.....I've always held my head up talking about these H!P INspirational Role models......because i said they'd never do this....or get a boyfriend.....but wow.....I have been having doubts lately. I so much looked up to them....
(But i refuse to base my whole opinion off of one member....but it is effected.)