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"Li Chun, Junjun",
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Uploaded on 08-January 09
By mmmdraco
View all pictures by this user
Picture size: 990x1390
Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Li Chun, Junjun 

 Jan 08 2009 05:38 PM
...It returns..
 Jan 08 2009 05:41 PM
ya why was the other one deleted
 Jan 08 2009 05:56 PM
I've lost my spirit to bump this ;__; -swoons into manic depression-

bvzero, I love you avy ;_;
 Jan 08 2009 06:02 PM
Yeah, I'm pretty much upset also. Thanks anyway.
 Jan 08 2009 06:09 PM
Think again before you even try to start bumpfests on picboard.
Forum rules are in effect on picboard too. And bumping just for fun goes under spam.
 Jan 08 2009 06:43 PM
Spam rhymes with fun.
Whatever. Do what you want. Until H!O is alive for me to leech some stuff, I don't mind that much the naz(kk)i rules lol
 Jan 08 2009 07:27 PM
Don't go against the mods now >_>; it's cuz of them h!o is more sofisticated than most forum sites. When you reach higher post numbers, you actually gain it, Rather than other sites where users just say 'bump' or 'spam' or any other meaningless sentences.
I've seen people who got banned when they had 7k~10k posts, even here there are people who get banned with high post numbers, there are reasons for it, but it's more rare.

In the end it's good, we don't want to attract trolls.
 Jan 08 2009 07:48 PM
Exactly, it's so "sofisticated" that forbids you of doing anything. Like, there must be a standard for every user to follow, it doesn't matter if you're having a good time here, if you like this girl or not, just do what it's told. These anti-troll rules just takes people away from the forums and such. Who comments on a regular basis here? Less than a half of the users. Who downloads and keep quiet? All the rest + the active users.
In other words, things get boring.

Waiting for 4 Akogare MY STAR to gb2 the tracker :D
 Jan 08 2009 08:16 PM
She looks great here ^^ go go jun jun!
 Jan 08 2009 08:16 PM

 Jan 08 2009 08:19 PM
When I last saw the other upload, it was at seventy-two comments. Completely ridiculous. :/ Glad you guys had fun with it, but still, it was just way over the line.

Not like I never cause any trouble (lmao), but... 8D;
 Jan 08 2009 08:31 PM
actually it was at 85 last time I saw it, also I'm pretty sure it was prolly at 90+ before it died.

if you want troll (not-so)privileges, go to 4chan, jph!p, and maybe nihongogo (note: nihongogo hates Aika)
 Jan 08 2009 09:13 PM
holy crap, props for getting it to that many posts before the mods stepped in XD , I guess it was an alright game if you only do it once a year 8D

LOL @nuBia and Loredana, you have no idea how lucky you are to finally see this elusive pic!
 Jan 08 2009 09:34 PM
jun2 lookin goooood
 Jan 08 2009 10:01 PM
I don't personally see what's wrong with bumping JunJun's photo until the cows come home, since the bumpless view of the picboard exists. I didn't comment on the photo but I thought it was kinda cool to see the rally behind her. It's not like it was going to last forever, anyways.
 Jan 08 2009 10:24 PM
Are we done with the senseless bumping argument? Just drop it already. There are rules on this website and if you don't like it, you are free to go somewhere else.
 Jan 08 2009 10:33 PM
Are we done with the senseless love it or leave it argument? There were rules against black people eating at white restaurants in very recent US history. Was the correct answer then "There are rules in this country, and if you don't like it, you are free to go to another?" Authority, even on this scale, 100% of the time, SHOULD be questioned. It's how improvements are made.
 Jan 08 2009 10:48 PM

Please stop. You don't know what you're talking about.

Hello!Online is not a country with citizens. It's a webpage. So your comparison is utterly flawed.

In fact, what's more, by signing up to this webpage, you agree to our terms of service, with its subsequent rules and guidelines. If you don't agree to them, don't sign up, and if you have signed up [and disagree with them], please leave.

So, when Amoz, turbos86 and me (or other moderators) says to stop, you ought to respect that.
 jelly man
 Jan 09 2009 12:25 AM
i should leave a comment on this because i really like this poic .
 Jan 09 2009 02:36 AM
What saddens me more is that this is a webpage, not a country. Shouldn't be so concerned about bumping pictures. Also, yes, there's the bumpless version for what? And even more, I upload stuff here (I can't seed torrents or stuff because mom don't let me leave the computer on the whole night and my intrawebs speed sucks), I do what I can to be a polite and nice user. But c'mon, this pretty much sucks. If it hasn't a bumpless version, ok, I'd agree with you anti-bump. But the fact of gathering so many people commenting in a picture was fun and that's why I call it epic. It's not everyday lots of people get in a common sense here without flaming each other.
I don't wanna troll. If I wanted, as Wingates said, I'd go to Nihongogo discuss like a baby saying how much ugly a girl is for a bad angle or anything like this. I could like H!O more, but you guys simply don't encourage us to keep on track in the forums and imageboard. Putting the best downloads all over the internet is pretty much winner stuff, but what if we got to respect the love it or leave it rule in a website...?
I still have hopes, though, and I keep commenting and posting and trying to be active without flaming, but it's difficult when the restrictions seem quite pointless. My two cents. And yes, bumping it because or else no one will read. (yah, lots of drama here, but it's what I think sincerely.)
 Jan 09 2009 03:53 AM
^Bumping this picture before turning into a joke when ever other comment was the same person just bumping it for really no good reason aside from the fact that they liked the picture. There a lot of pictures I like but I don't keep bumping them over and over again just to keep them up near the top.
 Jan 09 2009 04:50 AM

Your words mean nothing. You insult the moderating team by in effect calling us nazis. We have a task that is pretty arduous, for several reasons - one being that we are a very large website with quite a lot of users. Lots of shit goes on unnoticed by most people, because we do our job in keeping this a good site. Since we are talking about a webpage/site, we need to have terms of service, we need to have rules and we need to have conditions, guidelines and the likes.

If we do not care about these fundamentals, things will start to deteriorate all too quickly.

Tell me kulitexd, what are your experiences in both online work and offline work?

You apparently live at home with your mommy, and she doesn't let you have your computer on at night. That tells me you're still a kid - as such inexperienced. That's not something I am saying as an insult, but merely stating as an observation. We've all been there, as we're humans - but let me tell you something: If you have no experience in either administrating large channels, forums, webpages, bulleting boards and the likes - or have no experience in actual real life work - such as guiding and mentoring coworkers every day in work situations, it is very difficult to take your complaints seriously.

It is such because these complaints of yours are off base. You don't understand the nature of a private website which accepts users on the condition of accepting our terms of service, and you don't understand why we have our site philosophy and we we adhere to it.

What Risa/Misa says above this post, is what was going on: Just bumping it for the sake of bumping it. This is spam.

People may disagree with this assessment as much as they like, but it is ours to make, and since it is we who define what works and what does not work on our site, we are also the arbiters of right and wrong here - quite different from a country, which is far, far more complex than that of a webpage. Since the simplicity is more apparent in a webpage, we need to keep a high standard - following our standards ensures that this site still remains top notch.

You comment on what's the point with being able to bump if we cannot bump? Well that's absolutely not true at all. People comment on pictures all the time, but QUALITY trumps QUANTITY.

We will delete comments of a hurtful nature, comments that are abusive, comments that are nothing but spam, and so on. If you are unsure about what goes and what doesn't I recommend you to read over our rules again.

All of this may very well come across as oppressive and negative and what not to some of you, but teenage-rebellions is not what this is about. We are trying to make sure that every single member here can thrive and enjoy themselves.

The rules provide a basis for an equal playing-ground, which is fair game for everybody. They do not single out any sex, any race, any ethnicity, age, physical appearance, IQ, EQ, social background or any such thing - they are here for making sure that if one follows these rules and behave, most things will take care of themselves, and the environment in general here will be that of a very positive one.

Do note that as we are in an electronic environment, spam is one of those factors that are not wanted - at all.

When moderators asks that this stop, or take action to make sure it stops, starting longwinded arguments about what is "right" and what is "wrong" here is inappropriate.

You may instead send a Private Message to the moderator in question, and state your question, related to the issue at hand. It will then be dealt with by the moderator and/or moderator team.

If it's too difficult to contribute in a positive and constructive manner, it's best to not say anything at all. Not saying anything at all is many times much better than saying anything.

This has gone on for far too long, and this is the end of this issue.
 rigo san
 Jan 09 2009 07:24 AM

chit chat :awesome:
 Jan 09 2009 05:12 PM
Wait, I have to take my soma... ah, everything is nice, so nice here.
OH Everything is nice, this picture is awesome.
 Jan 09 2009 05:19 PM
Eehhh, it's just a picture... o_o C-calm down people.
 Jan 09 2009 07:45 PM
mods do what they need to do, end of story... in other things, can't get enough of this pic XD JunJun is HAWT